May the Force Be w/U
Exploring Space
Solar System
Blast from the Past

The gravity of the Sun enables planets to.....

What is to orbit around the Sun?


These celestial objects are rocky, remnants from early universe formation, orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.

What are asteroids?

Planets that are rocky and dense and found within the inner solar system are referred to as this term?
What is terrestrial

Which of the following is NOT evidence of a chemical change?

Unexpected change in color

Change in odor

Light production, like flame

Temperature change that is unexpected

Temperature change that is expected



Gas production

What is expected temperature change?


Our Sun and stars are made-up of these two gases. They are used to create energy through the process of nuclear fusion.

What is hydrogen and helium?


Rocky, frozen remnants that orbit the Sun.

What is a comet?

Large chuck of ice, dust, gasses, and rock that orbit the sun. They are sometimes referred to as "dirty snowballs"
What are comets.

This is known as the birth place of a comet.

What is the Oort Cloud (Beyond Pluto) and Kuiper Belt (Between Neptune and Pluto)

When we moved the Earth/moon closer to the other one, what happened to the gravitational pull?

What is increase gravitational pull?


A hot ball of gas, bigger than planets and these planets orbit it.

What is a Sun/Star?


A chunk of rock from outer space that burns up in the atmosphere.

What is a meteor.


How would you differentiate between balanced and unbalanced forces? In other words, what would be their difference?

Possible answers: What is balanced forces will cause an object's motion to remain the same or to remain at rest while unbalanced forces will cause a change in motion, direction, position?

CANNOT ACCEPT: Balanced doesn't cause motion while unbalanced causes motion. This is not accurate. Balanced forces DO cause motion, however they keep an object at the same speed/same motion.


Describe what happened in the phet simulation when we increased the mass of the celestial objects.

What is gravity increased?


Which major event occurred that set off that space race between the USSR and Americans?

What is a Sputnik?

Name the eight planets in order from the sun starting with the closest to the sun.
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

In order to calculate density, you must have which two parts? And which order of operation would you use?


What is mass divided by volume?


Which of these is true?

Jupiter has more gravitational pull because of its mass and takes longer to orbit the Sun than Earth because it's farther.

Jupiter has less gravitational pull because of its mass and it takes less time to orbit the Sun than Earth because it's farther.

What is Jupiter has more gravitational pull because of its mass and takes longer to orbit the Sun than Earth because it's farther?


Place the following major events in order, in terms of space exploration.

Sputnik launch

First American to Orbit

Perseverance Rover sent to Mars

First Man to go to Space

First Woman in Space

First Animal in Orbit

Columbia Disaster

Apollo 11 

Hubble Telescope Launched

What is 

Sputnik launch

First Animal in Orbit

First Man to go to Space

First American to Orbit

First Woman in Space

Apollo 11

Columbia Disaster

Hubble Telescope Launched

Perseverance Rover sent to Mars?


Pluto is considered....

What is a dwarf planet?


At which point in this image would you have the most potential energy? How about the most kinetic energy?

What is at position B, there would be the greatest potential? What is at position A, there would be the greatest kinetic?