The Policy Window
Global OT Agencies
Capacity Building Initiatives
Action Steps

This stream in the "policy window" involves the existing policies, guidelines, and frameworks related to occupational therapy education at an international level.  (Respond in the form of a question)  

What is the Policy Stream?


This global occupational therapy agency collaborates with national occupational therapy associations to establish global standards for OT education. (Respond in the form of a question).

What is the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT)? 


These initiatives can provide hands-on learning experiences, enhance local practitioners' skills, and introduce the latest evidence-based practices, thereby building capacity in underserved regions. (Respond in the form of a question).

What are (virtual or in-person) training workshops, conferences, and seminars that contribute to capacity building in underserved regions for OT education?


Joining these will promote opportunities to network, share ideas, and collaborate on global initiatives. (Respond in the form of a question)

What are National & International OT Student/Practitioner Organizations? (WFOT, Occupational Therapy International Online Network (OTION), etc.)


How does understanding the problem, policy, and political streams intersect help in driving change in global occupational therapy initiatives?

Understanding the intersection of these streams allows OTPs to identify key opportunities, align efforts with existing policies and political initiatives, and address core educational challenges. This alignment enables OTPs to effectively drive change to advocate for and implement improvements in global OT education and service delivery. 


This council accredits OT programs in the United States based on established quality standards, ensuring graduates meet the competencies required for professional practice. (Respond in the form of a question).

What is the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE)?


This platform can offer customized content, interactive modules, and offline access options to cater to diverse learning needs and improve accessibility to educational resources tailored to address the unique needs of OT students and practitioners in remote areas. (Respond in the form of a question)

What are online learning platforms?


These programs (similar to BU's PP-OTD support programs) help aspiring OT educators access guidance, support, and resources to enhance their skills and knowledge in developing OT education programs. (Respond in the form of a question)

Mentorship programs help aspiring OT educators access guidance, support, and resources to enhance their skills and knowledge in developing OT education programs.


Give an example of a problem in the problem stream related to global occupational therapy initiatives for advancing OT education. (There are several answers, see how yours compares to this one).

The lack of standardized OT education programs in developing countries leads to disparities in the availability and quality of OT services and limited access to occupational therapy for marginalized populations.


This organization facilitates collaboration among European universities offering OT programs to enhance the quality and relevance of OT education in the region. (Respond in the form of a question)

What is the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE)?


These promote diversity, remove financial barriers, and attract talent from underrepresented communities, fostering inclusivity and diversity in the OT profession. (Respond in the form of a question)

What are scholarships/financial support or holistic admissions processes?


This type of scholarship can significantly support occupational therapy (OT) education around the world by providing accessible, high-quality educational resources and fostering international collaboration. (Respond in the form of a question)

What is open scholarship

This promotes: 

1. Access to Educational Resources 

2. Professional Development and Continuing Education

3. Collaborative Research and Knowledge Sharing

4. Supports overall development of a Global Curriculum

(Examples - Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (OSoTL), The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy OJOT - a peer-reviewed, open-access journal with a mission to publish high-quality articles that focus on applied research, practice, and education in the occupational therapy profession


How can the convergence of the problem, policy, and political streams can lead to effective change in the field of occupational therapy? (There are several answers, see if one of yours matches these suggested efforts).

When these three streams align, OTs should leverage: 

1) advocacy efforts to increase funding and support such as lobbying governments and international bodies to recognize and support OT education as a crucial component of healthcare systems   

2) engagement with international organizations (i.e., WFOT) to develop international OT education standards 

3) collaboration with partners to build culturally appropriate international curricula

4) conducting research and knowledge dissemination to build evidence for the effectiveness of global OT education initiatives

5) employing technology and distance education policies to create hybrid or online OT programs that can reach a global audience


This regional group promotes standardized educational guidelines and competencies in the Asia Pacific region. (Respond in the form of a question)

What is the Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Regional Group (APOTRG)?

See more regional and national OT organizations at WFOT:


This experience provides faculty/instructors with valuable professional development opportunities, fosters intercultural competence, and leads to the creation of more comprehensive and globally oriented curricula ultimately contributing to the overall improvement of educational quality and institutional capacity in underserved areas. (Respond in the form of a question)

What are Faculty Exchange Programs? (There are several student exchange programs available to OT students studying in North America and potential to expand this for faculty/instructors around the globe, as well as students studying in other countries to come to North America)


OT practitioners and students can seek out and participate in these programs to share knowledge and learn about OT practices in different countries. (Respond in the form of a question)

What are international exchange programs?