Whistle for Wille
Amazing Animals
A Tree is a Plant
Who wants to learn how to whistle?

Peter wants to learn how to whistle so that Willie will follow him around.


What genre is Amazing Animals?

It is an Informational Text because it gives us facts about the different animals.


What do the roots do for a tree?

The roots help to hold the truck in the ground.


What does he do when he can't whistle?

Peter goes home and pretends to be his dad and talks to his mother before leaving again.


How  can an elephant use it tusks?

It can use it tusks to scrap the bark off the tree to eat the bark.


How does the bark protect the tree?

The bark helps to keep the tree alive in the winter by being a coat.


At the end of the story, what do Peter and Willie do?

Peter goes to the grocery store and whistles all the way there and Willie follows him.


What does a dolpin's tail fluke help it do?

The tail fluke helps the dolphin swim fast.


In the spring what happens to the tree?

The tree will have flowers blossom first.


Where does Peter hide when he can't whistle?

He hides under a carton from Wille to see if Wille will find him.


The polar bear has white fur. How does the white fur help the polar bear?

The white fur helps the polar bear hit in the snow.


What do the leaves of the tree do?

The leaves make food from the water and the air.