He was a tax collector before he became a disciple of Jesus. What was his name?
In what year was John F. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas?
These two schools claim to be the true HU.
Howard University and Hampton University
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time
What two men in the bible never died?
Enoch and Elijah. Instead they were taken by God
What is it called in bowling when all the pins are knocked down on the 2nd attempt?
A spare
Five of the divine nine were founded at this institute
Howard University
What is the largest predominantly African-American Christian denomination in the United States?
National Baptist Convention U.S.A. Inc.
Who said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"?
Martin Luther King
What is the last word in the bible?
What is the more common name for a Cuba Libre Cocktail?
Rum and Coke
Which HBCU used to have so many rattlesnakes on its campus it became the official school mascot?
Florida A&M University
I was interested in music early on and played piano and sang in the church choir. My first hit was "Straighten Up and Fly Right,” which was based on one of my father's sermons. Who am I?
Nat King Cole
Author of the "Audacity of Hope"
Barack Obama
Which city mentioned in the book of Revelations is also an American city
What is Philadelphia
What does Homer Simpson do for a living?
He is a safety inspector at a nuclear power plant
Which HBCU is named after John D. Rockefeller's wife Laura?
Spelman. John D. Rockefeller’s wife’s full name was Laura Spelman Rockefeller.
Who said the only thing you have to fear is fear itself?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was the 13th apostle replacing Judas Iscariot
Who was Matthias
Denzel Washington has won two Oscars. Can you name the movies?
Glory and Training Day
Which famous leader enrolled in Morehouse College at age 15?
Morehouse College