What is the minimum amount of bids from qualified vendors for a competitive bid?
Who is our Director of Production Finance Talent Coordination?
What business type is not taxed?
Who was the first Disney character to be made?
Mickey Mouse
What were the 3 shows that the JPA's got to work on first?
Grey's Anatomy, This Fool, and Grownish
What are consignment rentals processed through?
Studio-approved vendors
What does ABC stand for?
American Broadcasting Company
What is an example of an asset?
Electronics, non-expendables, and unique to character items
What is the name of the toy store in Toy Story 2?
Al's Toy Barn
How many of the JPA's are from Chicago?
What are the 3 things needed for vendor set-up?
W-9, 590, and TIN Match
What is the longest running ABC show?
General Hospital
What are some examples of what you cannot use a P-card for?
Deposits, alcohol, rentals, personal items
What are the 5 emotions from Inside Out?
Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust
When was the official start date for the JPA's?
Feb. 6th
Can stages, office spaces, or on-screen locations be a competitive bid?
What is Meredith Grey's dogs name in Grey's Anatomy?
Who's approval do you need for hand-written receipts over $500?
Your PE and PFE.. but it is good practice to get approval for any handwritten receipt over $200
What are the names of Hades's minions in Hercules?
Pain and Panic
What was our first field trip?
To the Costumes & Wardrobes Department
When on a show, where would you upload the tax forms for new or pre-existing vendors?
How long has Jimmy Kimmel been on late night?
20 years
What type of payment is preferred over wire transfers when available?
ACH payments
How many ghosts are in the Haunted Mansion?
How many of us speak a second language?