Two common neurodivergent conditions that go together?
What is Autism and ADHD!
People with this condition crave lots of salt and tend to have high heart rates when standing up!
What is POTS!
This person who has had a difficult time to read and hear but she became an Author and activist?
Who is Helen Keller?
The meaning of A.D.A?
Americans with Disabilities Act!
True or False: If someone uses a wheelchair it means they can’t walk?
This condition is characterized by social communication difficulties and restricted, repetitive behaviors.
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
This chronic condition causes widespread pain, fatigue, and cognitive issues, and is often misunderstood due to the lack of visible symptoms.
What is Fibromyalgia!
Mexican painter, she contracted polio at the age of six, making her right leg shorter then her left, but progressed to become one of the most famous painters and cultural icon.
Who is Frida Kahlo?
True or False: Not all Deaf people know and use ASL!
This tool is commonly used in messages with neurodivergent people to help them understand the tone
What is Tone Indicator
This condition is associated with bendy joints and lots of pain.
What is Hypermobile Elhers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS)
Age of 21 was theoretical physicist/scientist who was diagnosed with ALS and only given 2 years lived to 76
Who is Stephan Hawking?
True or False: All people with ADHD are hyperactive?
People with this condition have difficulty learning or comprehending math.
What is Dyscalculia
This disorder leads to extreme mood swings that may include periods of deep sadness and irritability, which can be invisible to people around the person experiencing it.
What is Borderline Personality Disorder!
The most dominant professional sport player, playing wheelchair tennis and won 48 grand slam tournament, 23 year end championships and 7 Paralympic titles.
Who is Esther Vergeer?
True or False: An Emotional Service Animal isn’t allowed everywhere like a Service Dog?
This social media campaign, which began in the 2010s, has worked to raise awareness of neurodivergent individuals, especially those with autism.
What is #ActuallyAutistic
This disorder causes burning, stabbing pain in the limbs, often following an injury, but it is hard for others to understand because the symptoms aren't outwardly visible.
What is Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) or Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome (AMPS)
Being blind as a baby, and going into music industry became one of the most famous singers and song writing abilities
Who is Stevie Wonder?
True or False: There is an official service dog registration?