abnormal physical reaction
what is an alergic reaction
Intimidation, extortion, bodily harm and sexual assault
What is abuse?
pressure, load, concern, train
What is Stress?
exchange information, thoughts, opinion, or feelings by speach, writing, or gestures
what is the purpose of communication?
Observe/assess, Plan, Implement, Follow-up/evaluate
what are the 4 steps to be a leader
consciousness, breathing pulse and uncontrolled bleeding
what are the 3 things to check for on a injured person?
fear, increase in sweat, nail biting, hair pulling, cuts/bruises, decrease in motivation/energy.
What are the signs of abuse in a person?
Poor appitite, Deprive of sleep, Increase in headaches, weak immune system
What are some impacts stress causes?
conversate with a friend, participate in group discussions, send messages.
What are ways to comunicate?
Trust is broken, conflict arises, commitments are disregarded, work gets undone.
What happens with a bad leader
Animals, small pets, and human beings
what carries bacteria in saliva
PTSD, Mental, Emotional, Trauma, Anxiety, Depression
What are long term effects?
Anxiety, Depression, Aggressive behavior,
What stress does to impact mental health?
people are able to transfer meaning between themselves
What is communication
platoon leader
Who is the highest on the chain of command
fever, headache, muscle, fatigue, pain, swollen lymph nodes
What shows a tick infection
Respect, self awareness, anti-policies
What are some rules that can be set to address the situation?
Outlets, confidence, organize, physical activities, friends and family.
What are some preventable measures
read, listen, think, write, remember, speak study
What are the 7 ways to communicate.
Format, discipline, train, and conduct the team.
What is the job for platoon leader and sergant
what do we do when someone is choking
What to do when someone's safety is in harm's way?
Therapy, Excercise, Laugh, Socialize, Rest
attending, receiving, understanding, responding, remembering.
A platoon seargent who took the platoon leader position.
Who is Michelle