Jewish Food
Jewish Holidays
Jewish Objects
Influential Jewish Leaders
Jewish Celebrities

This is flatbread eaten at seder during Passover

What is Matzah


This holiday celebrates the miracle of the oil that lasted for eight days, even though there was only enough oil to light the menorah for one day.

What is Hannukah


This is a small, brimless cap traditionally worn by Jewish men as a sign of reverence and respect for God.

What is a Kippah


Jewish comic maker who made the famous world of Marvel

Who is Stan Lee


This comedian and actor, known for his roles in films like Happy Gilmore and The Waterboy, often incorporates his Jewish identity into his comedy.

Who is Adam Sandler


This traditional Jewish soup features dumplings made from the matzah meal typically served during Passover and other Jewish holidays.

What is Matzah Ball soup


This is the Jewish Day of Atonement, marked with a day-long fast, that centers on repenting for the sins of the past year while promising to do better in the coming year

What is Yom Kippur


This nine-branched candle holder is typically used during Hanukkah

What is a Menorah


This American Jewish lawyer who helped establish the rights of women to open their own bank accounts and credit cards became the second-ever woman to serve on the Supreme Court 

Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg


This actress, born in New York City, has appeared in The Avengers, and Black Widow and she comes from a Jewish family.

Who is Scarlett Johansson 


This Jewish pastry is often filled with jelly or chocolate and shaped like a triangle.

What is Hamantaschen


This holiday commemorates the Jewish slaves escaping from Egypt.

What is Passover


This handwritten scroll contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and is considered the holiest text in Judaism.

What is the Torah


This person was one of several design leaders raised in a Jewish community in the Bronx. His brand is commonly known for its underwear.

Who is Calvin Klein


This NFL running back went to Hebrew School for years and is now a Star in Green Bay.

Who is AJ Dillon


This sweet, braided bread is traditionally eaten on the Jewish Sabbath and holidays.

What is Challah


This Jewish day of rest is observed every week from Friday night to Saturday night, marked with candles, wine (or grape juice), and bread.

What is Shabbat


This is the piece of matzah that is broken in half during the Passover Seder, hidden, and later searched for by children, with a reward given to the one who finds it.

What is the Afikoman


A Jewish filmmaker who made E.T. and many other critically acclaimed films.

Who is Steven Spielberg


This Israeli basketball player was selected ninth overall in the 2020 NBA Draft by the Washington Wizards.

Who is Deni Avdija


This classic Jewish breakfast dish consists of a toasted bagel and smoked salmon that you might top with cream cheese, and whatever more you want.

What is Bagel and Lox


This Holiday is the Jewish New Year

What is Rosh Hashanah


This symbol, consisting of two interlocking triangles, is commonly associated with Judaism and represents the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds.

What is the Star of David


This Jewish American singer, composer, actress, director, and producer is considered by many to be the greatest popular singer of her generation. She is 82 years old.

Who is Barbara Streisand


This actress, born in Jerusalem, won an Academy Award for her role in Black Swan. She is also in Star Wars.

Who is Natalie Portman