The practice of recognizing ad reinforcing our positive beliefs and thoughts about ourselves.
Positive Self Talk
Name 5 types of self-sabotaging behaviours?
Fear of failure, fear of taking risks, fear of making mistakes, inability to plan ahead, inability to say no, doesn't consider consequences of actions, inability to think carefully before making decisions, worrying, unrealistic expectations, always complaining, perceived bad luck, perfectionism, limiting beliefs, emotions and attitudes. Etc
What are work ethics?
Work ethics are a set of moral values and principles that guide an individuals actions and attitude in the workplace.
Positive self talk, challenge your negative thoughts and beliefs, focus on our strengths and successes, engage in activities that make us feel good, recognize our accomplishments, spend time with those that make us feel supported and valued.
Most of the time we listen with the intent of responding? Is this active listening?
Messages that are critical, damaging and disempowering. They come from peers, family or society. Examples include "you can't do that" or "you don't deserve that"
Negative messages
Name some ideas to help eliminate self sabotage.
An _____/______ relationship is a contract between two parties in which one provides work in exchange for compensation. This relationship is based on mutual understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each party.
Which is heavier a pound of rocks or a pound of feathers?
Both, they weigh the same.
Bad work ethics include being being honest, punctual, reliable and respectful of other employees?
Self Esteem
What are some life lessons they don't teach you in school?
don't sweat the small stuff, life is unpredictable (get familiar with change), Its not all about you (no one actually cares), you can only save you, people are more important than things, nobody can you make you happy only you can do that, character and integrity count, forgive, there are no substitutes for exercise, eating well, fresh air and sunshine, persistence will almost get you anything, television ruins more minds, its ok to fail. Learn from mistakes of others, don't be afraid to show and tell those close to you that you love them, live so that there is only standing room at your funeral.
Give me 5 examples of bad work ethics?
dishonesty, lateness, lack of respect, taking long breaks, engaging in gossip, bad attitude, doing personal things during work time. Etc
Its ok to post party pics on Facebook account and call in sick the next day.
No, keep your social media private.
Adaptability, negotiation, conflict resolution, communication skills, conflict management, team building and self awareness are examples/attributes of interpersonal skills?
The act of intentionally or unintentionally undermining one's own efforts. It is a behaviour that can manifest in many different ways, from procrastinating to setting unrealistic goals.
Self Sabotage
Ways to boost self esteem?
build positive beliefs, find your purpose, develop social network, embrace change, be optimistic, nurture yourself, develop problem solving skills, establish goals, exercise, listen to music, self care, give compliments to those around you. Offer affection to those you love, laughter, figure out what make you unique.
What do employers want when they hire a new employee?
Accountability, attendance, punctuality, cooperation, continuous learning, positive attitude, initiative. etc
Its ok to miss work due to personal issues?
No, if you're not in the hospital or incarcerated. GO TO WORK!
Its okay if I call in sick or be late for work after my probationary employment period is complete.
Interpersonal skills
A _____ _____ of self sabotage is a consequence in regretting the things we didn't do yet wonder why we keep getting stuck in these limiting patterns.
Repeated Cycle
How long is probationary employment?
Usually 3 months (Employment Standards Code Sec 55(2))
What are some documents an employer may require upon hire?
SIN, Direct Deposit, Signed letter of offer, drivers abstract, copy of identification (license), CRIM check, IRCC check (child intervention check), any certifications, copy of completed safety tickets.
It's ok to vent my personal problems in a professional work setting.
False - keep personal problems at home. Your employer or co-workers do not need to know the challenges and issues in your personal life.