What holiday involves the ten plagues?
Who split the Red Sea?
What is the name of the cookies we eat on Purim?
What are we forbidden to eat on Passover?
Bread or anything with wheat
What did Joseph have that set him apart from his brothers?
He had a coat of many colors that his father gave him
What holiday is known as the Jewish New Year?
Rosh Hashana
This wicked kind tried to harm baby Moses by ordering all Jewish boys to be killed
What bread do we eat on Shabbat?
What do we build on Sukkot?
What happened when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments?
He found the Israelites worshiping the golden calf and broke the tablets
On what holiday do we fast?
Yom Kippur
What is the name of Moses's brother and sister?
Aaron and Miriam
What prayer is inside of mezuzahs?
The Shemah
On what holidays do we blow the shofar?
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
What did G-d command Abraham to do to his son?
Sacrifice his son Isaac to show his loyalty to G-d
On what holiday do we celebrate trees?
Who were the first two people on earth?
Adam and Eve
Why do we eat pomegranate on Rosh Hashana?
There are 613 seeds inside which represent the 613 mitzvot in the Torah
What do we put on the seder plate?
Maror, charoset, karpas, shank bone, roasted egg, and bitter herbs
Why did the brothers, Esau and Jacob have a fight?
Because Jacob stole Esau's birthright
During purim, people give gifts of food to loved ones. What are these called?
Mishloach Manot
Who were Rebecca and Isaacs kids?
Jacob and Esau
What letters are on a dreidel?
Why do we wear kippah's/yarmulke's?
To symbolize how G-d is always above us and to show respect for him
Who had a dream about a ladder that connected heaven and earth?