The belief of one and only one god
What is monotheism
True or False: The first commandment is "honor your mother and father"
What is FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does exodus mean
What is the escape of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt
The first 5 books of the Hebrew bible are called
What is torah
Rights and wrongs
What is ethics
What is the 9th commandment EXPLAINED
What is to prevent lying;seen today as laws against testifying falsely in a court of law
Exodus states that Moses was an Israelite who was adopted by ____________
What was the Pharaohs family.
The Hebrew Bible is also known as the _______ in Hebrew
What is The tanakh
Collection of oral teachings and commentaries about the Hebrew Bible and Jewish law
What is Tulmand
What is the order to do something
The Israelites left Egypt they lived in the Sinal Desert for ___ years
What was 40 years
How many years ago did Judaism first develop
What is 3,000 years ago
The surname ____ is thought to be of Celtic origin, possibly from the Breton language, and could mean mighty
What is Conant
Why did they have commandments
What is they wanted to obey God's laws
The last chapters of Genesis describe a famine in Canaan, because Egypt had great supplies of _____
What is grain
Who were the commandments important to
What is the Jews
What is compelled
What is the 10th commandment
What is you shall not covet your neighbor's house, nor his wife...nor anything that is your neighbors.
Many biblcal scholars believe, the exodus occurred during the _____
What is 1200s BCE
What is the next section of the Hebrew Bible after Torah
What is Prophets