Origins of Judaism
Teachings of Judaism
The Jewish People

Monotheism is the belief in...

What is the belief in one God.


Judaism was developed more than 3000 years ago in...

What is the Fertile Cresent


The _______ are the source of Jewish Teachings.

What is Scriptures


The descendents of the Israelites are known as the...

What is the Jews. 


The Torah is...

What is the First 5 books of the Hebrew Bible, or the Christian Old Testament.


The Patriarch of the Israelites is a man from Ur named....

What is Abraham


The Hebrew Bible forms the basis for what other religious text?

The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are called the...

What is the Christian Old Testament. 

What is the Torah


The 12 tribes lived as separate groups before they united.

In times of distress, the Israelites rallied together around leaders known as....

What is Judges.


Rabbis are...

What is Jewish Religious Teachers.


God made a covenant with Abraham for his descendents to settle in the land of...

Because of the Covenant made with Abraham, the land was called the...

What is Canaan

What is the Promised Land


The Hebrew bible is split up into three sections: the _____, the _______, and the ________.

What is the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings. 


According to the Hebrew Bible, the time of the Judges and separate tribes ended when the Warrior _____ became the first______ of Israel. 

What is Saul, King


The Talmud contains...

a collection of oral teachings about the Hebrew Bible. 


According to the Torah, Abraham's grandson Jacob had how many sons?

Jacob's, also known as Israel, sons became the...

What is 12 sons.

What is the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel


What is the difference between the Torah and the Talmud?

What is: The Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, while the Talmud is a collection of oral teachings about the Hebrew Bible.


The next king of Israel was a young warrior, shepherd, and musician named_______.

He captured __________ and made it his capitol. 

He is also believed to have written the _______.

His son__________ built the great First Temple in Jerusalem. 

What is David (as in David vs Goliath).


The Psalms.

Solomon, also author of many sayings in the Book of Proverbs. 


A Diaspora is...

What is a community of people living outside of their homeland. 


Why are law and ethics important in Judaism?

What is: God's law commanded the Jews to live ethical lives. 


What is the difference between the Prophets and the Writings?

What is: The Prophets contains directions and reminders for people to follow God's commands. The Writings contains wise sayings and stories about heros. 


Nebuchadnezzar, Emperor of the ________ empire, conquered ________, and in 587bc, they destroyed _________ and Solomon's great________. 

They then took thousands of people captive and brought them to the city of _______ where they lived in ________, until the Persians let them return home in 538bc. 

What is: Babylonian Empire, Judah, Jerusalem, Temple, Babylon, Exile.