Abraham made this with God, which established that Abraham would become the founder of a great nation, and that Canaan would would one day belong to the Israelites
A Covenant
This missionary helped to spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire
This is the arabic word for god.
A person who suffers and dies for their believes is called this.
A Martyr
What is the national animal of Scotland?
He is the father of the Israelites and Judaism
The first four books of the Christian Bible are called this.
The Gospels
This sacred city is where Muslims make a pilgrimage to (if able) at least once in their lifetime.
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
The ancient region of Canaan is where this modern day country is located
What is the largest island in the world?
The spread of Judaism
Which Roman Emporer declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire?
This is the sacred temple located in the holy city of Mecca
The Kaaba
These are moral and legal guidelines that are the basis for civil and religous laws in Judaism and Christianity
The Ten Commandments
The # of time zones in Russia.
This book in the Torah describes the Israelites departure from Egypt, when Moses parted the Red Sea
The Gospels state that Jesus’ arrest happened when he was betrayed by a __________________.
In Islam, this prophet is believed to be the last and greatest prophet
After the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt, which prophet renewed God’s covenant with the Israelites?
The symbol for 'iron' on the periodic table.'
The first three kings of Israel, in order
Name three factors that contributed to the spread of Christianity
1. Martyrs inspired others
2. Missionaries spread the religion
3. Chrisianity taught acceptance of all
4. Offered spiritual salvation and eternal afterlife
This is a set of Islamic religious laws and guidelines that Muslims believe are derived from the Quran, which influences religious practices, society and government
Sharia Law
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
About the # zipcodes are there in the United States.