Judaism traces its beginnings to this man who God promised would be the father of many nations.
Who is Abraham?
He performed the miracle at the Red Sea and presented the 10 Commandments to the Hebrews.
Who is Moses?
Written on two stone tablets, these provided in a simple form how God wanted the Hebrews to behave.
What are the 10 Commandments?
This December holiday commemorates the miracle of the Maccabees' lamp oil burning for 8 days.
What is Hanukkah?
Judaism was the first monotheistic faith, meaning the worship of this many gods.
What is one?
This 40-year journey occurred after Moses led the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt.
What is the Exodus?
When the Israelites became fearful of invaders, they turned to this man to become their first king.
Who is Saul?
This book containing the first five books of Moses is so sacred to the Jews that they don't touch it with their hands.
What is the Torah?
This Autumn holiday rings in the Jewish New Year.
What is Rosh Hashanah?
This is what a Jewish house of worship is called.
What is a synagogue?
Among King David's accomplishments were establishing the capital of Israel in this city.
What is Jerusalem?
This king was responsible for expanding Israel's kingdom and building a great temple in Jerusalem.
Who is Solomon?
These ancient writings were hidden for centuries until 1947, when a boy chanced upon them in a small cave.
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
What is Yom Kippur?
This dispersal of the Jews outside of Israel and Judah is known as this.
What is the Diaspora?
As a result of the first Jewish revolt, the Romans burned down this important place of worship.
What is the Second Temple (in Jerusalem)?
He refused to free the Israelites from slavery until the 10th plague caused his first-born son to die.
Who is Pharoah?
This book of commentaries and lessons are helpful for understanding Jewish laws.
What is the Talmud?
In order to symbolize the sweetness of the coming year on the day of Rosh Hashanah, Jews traditionally enjoy apples with this.
What is honey?
Ashkenazi Jews settled exclusively among themselves in Eastern Europe and even developed their own language known as this.
What is Yiddish?
Many of the Jews in Jerusalem were killed or sold into slavery as a result of the Romans breaking through this fortress held by the Zealots.
What is Masada?
Besides being the sister of Moses, she was also looked up to as a spiritual leader of the early Hebrews.
Who is Miriam?
The Hebrew Bible is more commonly known by this name.
What is Tanakh?
To commemorate the Exodus, Jews celebrate Passover with a ritual meal known as this.
What is a Seder?
This group of Jews settled mostly in Spain and Portugal.
What are Sephardic?