these small, yellow creatures are known for their mischievous behavior and loyalty to their supervillain master, Gru. What are they called?
Qhat are minions?
Within 10 decimal points how many solar luminosities is the sun?
Is The Sun's luminosity is equal to 1solar luminosity. It serves as the standard unit of luminosity used to compare other stars?
What direction does the Nile River flow?
South to north
This legendary creature from Greek mythology was said to have the body of a lion, wings of an eagle, and the tail of a serpent. What is the name of this fearsome beast?
Who was the patron Saint of thiefs, prostitutes, and sailors?
Saint Nicholas
Who is this?
Who is Big Chungus?
The Djoser pyramid – which is around 4,700 years old, made solely of stone and built of six stacked terraces, where did they start
The bottom
What covers roughly 76% of the earth's surface?
what is air?
In German folklore, this mythical figure, known as the "Yule Lads," is said to bring gifts to children during the Christmas season. How many of these mischievous figures are there in total?
What year did a miracle on 34th st come out?
May 2nd 1947
What generation had 8 fatalities eating tidepods?
What is gen alpha?
What is an 11 letter word jon pronounces incorrectly?
What is incorrectly?
In which country is Santa Claus known as "Père Noël" and traditionally leaves gifts in the shoes of children placed by the fireplace on Christmas Eve?
What did Hagrid name his dragon in Harry Potter?
When was sliced bread invented?
That's so sad, siri play?
What is Despesito?
If Santa Claus needs to deliver presents to approximately 2 billion children worldwide in a single night, assuming he has 24 hours and accounting for different time zones, how many presents would he need to deliver per second to accomplish this task?
What is 23,148?
What country is north of South Korea?
What is north Korea?
This dragon in the card game yugioh has 5 heads?
5 headed dragon
When was the first computer conceived
The first general-purpose computer is often attributed to Charles Babbage's design of the Analytical Engine in the 1830s
What is the most widely used Christmas meme template on facebook?
Who is Grumpy cat?
If A is true then B is true, but if A is false what do we know about B
We know nothing about B
Extra 100 if what is Modus Ponens
Mount Everest was officially discovered and recognized as the world's highest peak in 1856, what mountain was the largest mountain on earth before 1856
Mount Everest
this sacred and powerful object is said to grant the bearer the divine right to rule Britain. What is the name of this legendary artifact?
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28, 1914, who else died on this day
Sophie, duchess of Hohenberg or his wife