Who is the first Judge? henry
In the story of Samson, how many foxes were there? tejada
Who was Barack? Fernando
The general that defeated the Philistine chariots
Which tribe chopped up the concubine? Stormi
where did Deborah sit to judge the people of israel Osorio
under the palm of Deborah
Who is the second Judge Henry
how many people did Samson kill with a jawbone tejada
Who was Jael. soler
The woman who took credit of killing Sasirea
Which tribe was on the opposing side of the levites? Alex
where did Barak assemble his army to fight sisera? Osi
mount Tabor
What did Jepetah do? Andres osorio
He sacrificed his daughter
how many chariots did Sasirea have van oordt
Who was the concubine. Soler
the woman who was killed and chopted up into 12 pieces.
which group of people did Samson kill?
Where did Siseras army gather before the Battle. Fer
by the kishon river
what was Deborahs Propehcy when she accompanied Barak? Osorio
that a women will take the credit for the killing of Sasirea the general of the Amerans
How many years were the Israelites saved after a judge came. Van oordt
Who was Delilah. Palmantonio
Betrayed Samson
How many tribes of Israel are there? Palm
Where was Sisera slain. Freddy
in the tent of jael, land of the kenites
What was the source of Samsons Power? Palm
His Hair
how many Judges are there in total. Fernando
who was King Jabin? stormi
The canannite king who oppresed the Israelites during Deborah’s time as judge
samson fell in love with a woman from what nation? Plam
a phillistine woman
what is the main territory the Israelites rule over? Freddy