In 2022, this justice became the first Indigenous person appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada
Who is Michelle O'Bonsawin
To be appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada, a candidate must have been a lawyer or judge for at least this many years
What is 10 years
Since 1949, this is the number of justices who sit on the Supreme Court of Canada, including the Chief Justice
What is 9
In 1982, the appointment of this justice, the first woman on the Supreme Court, sparked debate over gender representation on Canada’s highest bench
Who is Bertha Wilson
Appointed in 2012 and serving as Chief Justice since 2017, this justice currently leads the Supreme Court of Canada
Who is Richard Wagner
The eligibility requirements for Supreme Court justices are particularly strict for candidates from this province, due to its distinct civil law system
What is Quebec
This Act Mandates Quebec must have 3 judges on the SCC
What is the Supreme Court Act
Thjudge was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada in 2013, but his appointment was ruled unconstitutional because he did not meet the eligibility requirements under the Supreme Court Act.
Who is Marc Nadon
During the appointment of Justice Malcolm Rowe in 2016, there was questions over whether this province, his home province, had been underrepresented on the Supreme Court.
What is Newfoundland & Labrador
Federal court and superior court judges must maintain this quality, meaning they cannot publicly engage in political activities or show bias in legal matters
What is Impartiality
This section of the Supreme Court Act outlines the geographic distribution of justices, ensuring representation from across Canada, from west to east
What is Section 6
Prime Minister Stephen Harper publicly criticized this Chief Justice after a failed appointment, leading to concerns about judicial independence
Who is Beverly McLachlin
After the Supreme Court struck down Nadon’s appointment, the government eventually appointed this judge to the Quebec seat instead
Who is Clément Gascon
Candidates for the Supreme Court must be trained in either the common law or this other legal system used in Quebec
What is Civil Law
This section of the Constitution Act, 1867, gives Parliament the power to establish and regulate the Supreme Court of Canada
What is Section 101
This trailblazer judge ruled in a manner argued to be biased and non-neutral. The case went to the SCC.
Who is Corrine Sparks
This Supreme Court justice authored a powerful concurring opinion in R. v. Ewanchuk (1999), reinforcing the legal standard for consent in sexual assault cases.
Who is Claire L’Heureux-Dubé
One of the reasons appointments cannot be made outside of the ‘short list’ is to maintain this, ensuring trust in the judicial process
What is Credibility
This statute governs judicial independence, pay, and disciplinary measures for federally appointed judges, ensuring they remain impartial
What is the Judges Act
This Prime Minister’s appointment of Justice Gérard La Forest in 1985 led to criticism because he replaced the first woman on the Supreme Court, raising concerns about gender representation
Who is Brian Mulroney