Judy’s Juniors
Judy Jargon
Judy Justice
Judy’s Journal
Judy’s Journeys

Judy’s second-born son is often called this number one noun

What is: the Favourite

Bonus question: This valiant Venezuelan is actually the Favourite


Judy would really like to know who left these on the floor?

What are: socks


Between cyan and yellow on the colour wheel, and often associated with money, envy, and luck, this colour is Judy’s jam

What is: the colour green


This billboard reads J+J=Love! This sign painter stole Judy’s heart

Who is: Jack Selig


As a bold, first-time mom, Judy took newborn Nicole on this rather rustic trip

What is: camping


Suck it, Brontë Sisters! Ben and Lydia were both nearly christened this very popular name

What is: Emily


Moms everywhere are concerned that their kids are heating the entirety of this locale

What is: the whole neighourhood


Lydia brought this sweet treat to Judy after every shift at DQ

What is: Ice cream


Eric Faulkner, of this 1970’s band really set Judy’s heart pumping every S-A-T-UR– DA-WHY HEY!

Who are: the Bay City Rollers


Laval University sent 19-year-old Judy to this country for the summer while she worked towards becoming a translator

Where is: Germany


Lydia was so determined to exist that Judy got pregnant despite using which famously reliable form of birth control?

What is: an IUD


A Judy-ism for when the TV is too loud

What is: Turn that down to a dull roar!


Judy (and some of her kids) suffer from this unusual affliction during the hot summer months

What are: hot feet


This suave Spaniard makes Judy’s Puss in Boots purr

Who is: Antonio Banderas


When Judy feels nostalgic for Nova Scotia, she puts a shell to her ear and imagines this soothing sound

What is: the sound of the ocean


Ben's drawing of which animal won the government of Alberta’s privacy department’s art competition?

What is: a cow

  • Fun fact: The jury thought his drawing was a cow with a camera disguised as a backpack, but it was really just a backpack!


“I spent 9 months making you perfect - why would you ruin it?!” - Judy has exclaimed every time her kids get these body mods

What are: piercings and tattoos


Judy has forged life-long relationships with most of her neighbours, but this tempestuous troll is too tough to tolerate

Who is: Toby


Judy & this guy, two partridges in a pear tree, K-I-SS-ING

Who is: Shaun Cassidy


A family trip to this archipelago was a bit of a wash, with relentless precipitation for all but the last day of the vacation

Where is: Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands