Her Majesty, the "KING"
Beyond the Pines
Oconee Baloney
Linger Longer
Emerald green was the color of this European model luxury car that was previously Judy's main mode to transportation to The Lodge for many years.
What is Jaguar
In 2015 Judy learned how to do this in an email.
What is Print Screen
At a past hotel, Judy had to approach an office assistant and ask her to put this article of clothing back on while sitting at her desk.
What is a skirt
These fine ladies have one thing in common: Amanda Benfield-Peters, Lisa Lee, Katie Holland, Danielle Caldwell, Renee Lawson and Linda, the German lady.
What is all of them were Judy's assistant
In retirement Judy plans to participate in this philanthropic activity.
What is Volunteering at the Adult Literary Center to teach adults to read.
The National Weather Service Radar Station is located in this Georgia city, which Judy has repeatedly informed Wendy is NOT where she lives.
What is Peachtree City
In what year did Judy receive her first non-Ritz-Carlton email address?
What is 2015
Judy worked at a few hotels prior to coming to The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, ____ and ____ are 2 of the hotels where she worked before joining Ritz-Carlton.
What is Sheraton Biltmore, Wyndham Peachtree, Evergreen, Holiday Inn Express
Lisa Lee respectfully refused to call Judy anything other than this.
What is Ms. Judy
Judy plans to travel in retirement. This is the first trip Judy and Charlie have planned with departure on July 28th.
What is Italy
This is where you take Judy if you want to end your relationship with her.
What is Camping
Most telephone lines include this service to answer a second incoming call when on the phone, yet Judy has no idea if she has this service.
What is Call Waiting
This Napa Winery produces Judy’s favorite wine, which she learned costs $120 per bottle at The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island.
What is Cakebread Cellars
Judy’s husband has the same name as one of Golf Magazine’s Top 100 Golf Professionals who resides at Reynolds Plantation.
Who is Charlie King
In retirement Judy is looking forward to sleeping in and enjoying this new purchase made using her Ritz-Carlton Golden Circle Points.
What is her Ritz-Carlton Bed
In addition to her family, these small colorful companions accompany vacations and are often the focus of photos, rather than Judy.
What are Peeps
This high tech office device was first invented in 1843 and is Judy’s preferred method for sending contracts to the Hotel.
What is the Fax Machine
In former hospitality jobs, Judy held various positions. Which one of these roles did she not hold. Catering Sales Manager, Sales Manager, Director of Sales, HR Director.
What is Catering Sales Manager
In recent years, prior to 2015, Judy worked with Georgia Corporate accounts and her market included all groups within these alphabet letters.
What is A-L
Judy will soon have more time to enjoy her favorite pastime of reading bookings from this steamy literary category.
What is Adult Romance Novels - 50 Shades of Grey