is an Okta app, used to view account configuration in 1Platform
In which section in snowflake is going to be store the transaction information?
In a single column called "AdditionalDetails"
What is the meaning of OSR in the flag section?
One Step Refund flag
has the snowflake app option to setup time frame for the search logs?
In what year did Michael Jacson died?
What is the name of the menu to check Operators in data maintenance?
Operator screen
What do you need to run in order to get information using Snowflake?
Snowflake requires you to run SQL queries
What is the tool that is the direct replacement of Tandem Console?
Data maintenance
Can be multiple queries placed inside your SQL Worksheet?
One of the 10 wonders of the world to visit in 2024 was the Temples of Angkor, In which it is located?
If you require additional information about Data Maintenance tool or explanation about each flag that is found in "Accounts" section, where can you find out information?
Refer to "Data Maintenance" article in Confluence
What is Snowflake use for?
It is a tool that can be used to lookup MTCNs by various transaction or customer information
where can we find out if Account status replicated using Data maintenance?
Data Maintenance's "Accounts" section.
what sign should be the special character to use to divide each word/name you are looking for?
% percentage
Name one of the countries in the world where there is the most long-lived population?
What is the meaning of RCN on flags section?
What tool is recommended to use after using Snowflake to lookup proper logs in there based on the found MTCN?
TView is more user friendly and logs are easier to read.
Where we can check currency setup using Data maintenance?
In 6th page of "Accounts" section
In which column you should be able to find out MTCN when you get the results?
first column of the results.
How many bones does the human body have?
What is the menu name to view Agent-Counter ID configuration in 1Platform
Security screen
What information can I use for search MTCN info? mentioned 3 pieces of info.
Customer names, phone numbers, address, emails, back-end error message etc
If multi-currency Agent is facing some issue that could potentially be caused by the currency setup, how we can check currency setup using data maintenance?
can check their currency setup in 6th page of "Accounts" section.
How much time approximately take to get a response finding results?
two minutes if it will take longer , try setting or lowering approximate date frame.
How built/invented the first computer?
Charles Babbage