How much Mr.Mccoy makes as a JAG specialist?
60,000 between 53,000
When was JAG started?
Who is the JAG teacher at John Ehret High School?
how many schools does JAG impact and work with
Why is jag important for high school students?
JAG helps learners overcome stress, and trauma /opportunities that can lead to success
what is required to pass as a JAG graduate
top student
What's the JAG colors?
Royal blue, red, white
What college did we go to the beginning of the year?
What impact has Jag had in schools in America?
JAG helps thousands of students graduate high school, secure meaningful employment, and pursue further education
What is the jag performance outcome for graduation for Jag Seniors?
96% graduation rate
how many hours is for community service in JAG
30 to 60 hours
Name five states JAG is in
Missouri, Tennessee, Nebraska, Iowa, Kentucky
Initials for Jobs for America's Graduates?
How has Jobs for America's graduates (JAG) supported you in looking towards and preparing for the future?
support the transition from graduation to employment, military service, and/or post-secondary education.
What three things does Jag help students do?
social awareness, public service, career preparation
Ran out of questions (Free Point) other team go cry about it hahahaha
where was it founded
Alexandria, Virginia
Whats an interview tip?(HINT) look on the wall
What is the purpose of jobs for America's graduates?
tackle the nation's low graduation and employment rates for young people.
What does "jag" stand for at school?
Jobs for America's Graduates
what is required to graduate
Leap, cap-gown, and exams
Janelle Duray is the
JAG president
Who is the man that comes in our class every other week for a lesson?
Mr. Joshua Hughes
What are the benefits of Jag?
free health care and housing if living on base, or a tax-free housing allowance for those choosing to live off base.
How many states have a JAG program?
35 states