Past Loves of Julia
Around the World
Lt. Ryan Rosenbaum
Random Julia-isms

Julia unknowingly took this many guys’ virginities in college

How many is 2?


Thanks to her fiancé Ryan, Julia now loves this Japanese delicacy

What is sushi?


This was the street of Julia’s first big girl house after college, where she bravely lived with 3 strangers from Craig's List

What is Parish Street?


This is Ryan’s name in Julia’s phone

What is RyRy<3?


This was the talent Julia was famous for at Camp Timber Tops

What is braiding hair?


A favorite past-time of Julia’s, which would also have been her last name had married her 9th grade boyfriend

What is High?


This is Julia’s choice M&M color because they’re the “sexiest”

What is green?


After a night out at this Margate hot spot, Ross will inevitably catch Julia vomiting  

Where is Maynard's?       


Thanks to Ryan's unwavering love and support, Julia recently overcame her fears and now enjoys this daredevil activity

What is scuba diving?


Aside from Risa, she is the only other lucky girl in the room to have once been in a physical fight with Julia

Who is Jessica Ente?


This was the frat of Julia’s choice at ‘Cuse

What is Delt?


Rather than short ribs, stuffed capon, or black bean cake, Julia wisely requested this kids’ meal choice for her wedding dinner

What are chicken fingers?


If you visited Julia in San Diego, she definitely took you here to hang out with the sea lions

Where is La Jolla?


Ryan gets a lot of love, but this is the one sexual favor that Julia is not a fan of

What is a blow job?


This is the animal that Julia and all other blood-related Rosenbaum family members most closely resemble

What is a monkey?


He was Julia’s very first love back in their Meadowbrooke Days

Who is Max Fenkel?


Julia went through a phase in college where she was certain she was allergic to this food

What is alcohol?


This is Julia’s favorite Japanese convenient store

What is Family Mart?

Ryan's mother and Julia's soon-to-be MIL has this "addiction," which totally benefits Julia

What is online shopping?


Julia very seriously wanted to audition for this show in 5th grade

What is American Idol?

  • BONUS: This was her audition song

Mark Brigidi, a past love of a few girls in this room, stole this item from Julia as revenge for her ditching him

What is frozen salmon from her parents' fridge?


This was Julia’s go-to lunch during college

What is a whole wheat wrap with turkey, lettuce, tomato and honey mustard (and French fries)?


This is the famous ancient Greek structure on which Julia vomited

What is the Parthenon?


After Julia and Ryan met, this is the Facebook pick-up line he sent her (which worked)

What is, "Who is that hottie on the right?"


As a kid, this was the name of the brother that Julia invented and told the neighbors that he died in a fire

Who is Andrew?

  • BONUS: This was the item that Julia showed the neighbors and said was a keepsake of late brother Andrew’s