Jaaaaaaa så røg ganebøjlen af! :-)
Yesssss, the palate expander is off! :-)
- Lauritz, 2011
Who made the brown potatoes?
Who got pregnant in 2024?
How many years have Helle & Jan been married?
23 Years
Er heeeelt Krads ... Stadig heeeeelt krads!
Totally done ... Still totally done!
- Adam, 2017
Where is Jan & Helle's mistletoe?
Hallway doorway
What did Emil get tattooed on his arm?
Beetle "Bille"
Die Hard
What is Ida's middle name?
Så er der under 24 timer til man er student det er sgu luksus nok ;)
Less than 24 hours until I graduate, that’s pretty awesome! ;)
- Emil, 2012
What's the symbol on Michala's table name tag?
A letter with a heart.
Who has the same name as the a main character in one of the most famous TV-Shows?
Walter White (Breaking Bad)
Home Alone
What has Janni studied?
Event Coordinator at NEXT EUX København
Hjemme igen!! Men kom hjem til indbrud "igen"!! Alt er taget!!
Back home!! But guess what, another break-in 'again'!! Everything is gone!!
- Louis, 2010
What gift did jan Receive?
"Barber Maskine"
What is Julie's new job position?
Business Controller
Polar Express
What song did Hanne sing at Billes baptism? - The Melody
Er vild med overspringshandlinger
Crazy about procrastination
- Michala, 2009
What was the 'mandelgave' Storm got? 100p also if you can guess which Lis got?
Storm: Anthon Berg - Marcipan & berries
Lis: Golden edition - Desert Chocolate
What was the Address number 'Farmor - Mormor' lived on on Martensens Allé ?
Martensens alle 4
The Grinch that stole Christmas
Where is Storm going to boarding school? (Efterskole)
Osted efterskole