What is Julian's girlfriend's name?
Julian has a niche passion and extensive knowledge of this topic
saltwater fish
What is Julian's ethnic heritage?
Is he from Israel? Because he Israeli bad...#jew #freepalestine
What is Julian's one true passion?
What is Julian's college degree in?
Marketing (will accept "Business")
What is Julian's middle name?
Julian loves movies, what are his favorite movie franchise?
Julian sometimes has a hard time with lego sets and puzzles. Why?
He's color blind
What is Julian's favorite sports team?
The Miami Dolphins
Julian once hopped a fence mid dayger to retrieve an item, what was that item?
Where did Julian grow up *hint - not Texas*
Corrales, New Mexico
What Nicki Minaj song can Julian rap in its entirety?
Julian's father once had a side hustle with questionable morals. What was that side hustle?
Albino Guinea Pig breeding and selling
What does Julian do once a week, generally on Thursdays?
Trivia Night
Julian lived in a house on Mary Ln senior year. Name 2 of his 7 roommates.
Stud, Sina, Grommes, Eddy? (idk I met him twice and he grew weed in his room), Ilv, Chase, Grant
Busser, server, manager, assistant manager, server
Julian, much like a Brachiosaurus, enjoys snacking on plants and herbs. Name two of his favorite herbs to eat right off the plant itself.
Basil, mint and cilantro
Julian once went through a klepto era, name 2 things he has stolen.
TV, hover board, vacuum cleaner, all of the sheets from a hotel linen closet, nerds ropes from Dave & Busters
Julian loves a good long walk - where is his favorite place to walk where he frequently posts a photo on his Insta Stories?
Mission Bay
What dorm did Julian live in?
South Campus Plaza
Who was Julian's first crush (not Miranda Cosgrove)
Foxy Cleopatra (AKA Beyonce) in Austin Powers Goldmember
Name Julian's current favorite music artist
JPEG Mafia
Julian's mom made him participate in what sport/activity as a child?
Figure Skating
What's Julian's favorite Pokemon?
What major did Julian choose when he first started college?