This particular date has now arrived, causing Caesar to be very superstitious
March 15th or the ides of March
Why does Portia get upset with Brutus?
Because she knows something is wrong but he won't tell her
had 100 holes with blood pouring out
Cassius is responsible for having contrived the plan to assassinate Caesar.
What does "contrive" mean?
to come up with or create
Decius told Caesar if he didn't come to the Senate, then...
he will not be crowned king and the Senators will give the crown to someone else
To CHIDE someone means to...
What does Cassius want the conspirators to do to show they are all united in the plan?
Swear an oath
Caesar asked the priests to do this to see if he should leave the house
perform an animal sacrifice
Who wrote a letter to Caesar as a warning?
Appertain means...
to relate to
Brutus's concern for Rome should Caesar be crowned king is...
Caesar would behave like a tyrant
Cassius believes Caesar is too ___ to effectively rule Rome.
Honesty is a ___ that many people find admirable.
Why does Brutus say Antony should not be killed?
They didn't want their plan to look like a massacre, that it was something that needed to be done, and that hopefully some day Antony would side with the conspirators.
Many celebrities have __ their looks as they grew more famous.
killing a serpent in its egg before it hatches
Portia does this to prove she is not a "weak" woman
Stabs herself in the leg
Why did the conspirators feel Antony should also be killed?
They feared he would retaliate
Why does Caesar say he "WILL NOT" come to the Capitol instead of saying he "CANNOT"?
Because by saying he "will not", it shows HE is making the decision himself, not being influenced by someone (or something) else
What was the warning in Artemidorus's letter?
That Caesar should watch out for the people around him, they may act like they're his friends but they really aren't.
Because Caesar is now nervous to leave his house, Decius will have to do what to get him to come to the Senate?
Use flattery
Caesar interpreted the fact that the animal sacrifice didn't have a heart as this
He felt the gods were calling him heartless/a coward
Brutus warned the conspirators not to swear an oath because...
it seemed too much like a promise that could be broken
As much as Caesar would have liked to stop it, the arrival of March 15th is...
Cassius's hope is that Brutus ___ over Caesar.