Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3 and Vocab

"Et tu, Brute?"

Who is Julius Caesar?


I chant Caesar's name repeatedly on the streets of Rome attempting to get him to read a letter I wrote to him where I warn him to beware of his "friends".

Who is Artemidorus?


What is the reason that the conspirators give as an excuse to get close to Caesar when they are at the Capitol?

Metellus asks Caesar to repeal the order that his brother be banished.


Does Brutus convince the Romans that he and the other conspirators were right to kill Caesar?

Yes, he does eventually bring the Romans to his side.


Who is murdered in this scene?

Cinna the Poet.


"I kiss your hand, but not in flattery, Caesar. I ask you to repeal Publius Cimber’s banishment immediately."

Who is Brutus?


I take the final, most lethal stab at Caesar.

Who is Brutus?


Who takes the first stab at Caesar?



Why does Cassius disapprove of Antony speaking at Caesar's funeral?

He is afraid that Antony could change the people's minds and turn them against the conspirators.


This rhetorical device appeals to the audiences sense of reason and logic.

What is logos?


"Casca, be quick, because we’re worried we might be stopped. Brutus, what will we do? If our secret’s known, either Caesar or I will die, for I’ll kill myself."

Who is Cassius?


I am murdered at the end of the Act because the citizens of Rome mistake me for one of the conspirators who shares my name.

Who is Cinna the Poet?


What are the words that Cinna screams as soon as Caesar dies?

Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead!


The citizens of Rome are initially angry that Caesar was murdered. How does Brutus justify the killing?

He says that he loved Caesar, but he loves Rome. He does not feel Caesar would have been good for Rome.


"Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?" is an example of what rhetorical device?

rhetorical question


"I took your hands in friendship, but, indeed, I was distracted when I looked down at Caesar. I am friends with you all and love you all, on one condition—that you prove to me that Caesar was dangerous."

Who is Antony?


I promise to befriend a group of Romans; however, as soon as I get the chance to speak publicly, I turn on this group of men.

Who is Antony?


Why do the men smear Caesar's blood on their swords before walking the streets of Rome?

They do this because they want to show proof to the citizens of Rome that Caesar is actually dead, and they are proud of the fact.


Summarize the following statement by Antony to the Romans. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come here to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus hath told you that Caesar was ambitious. If it were so, it was a grievous fault, and grievously hath Caesar answered it."

Answers will vary.



What the art of persuasive speech or writing?


"Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more."

Who is Brutus?


I wish Cassius, "Good luck" with his "endeavor" and am misinterpreted. Cassius believes I know that he is planning to kill Caesar, but I do not.

Who is Popilius?


Why does Antony say Octavius Caesar should not to immediately come to Rome?

It is feared that if Octavius returns to Rome now, the conspirators will turn on him and murder him as well.


How was Ceasar NOT overly ambitious, according to Antony? (3 ways)

1. He brought slaves and money back to Rome.

2.Caesar cried along with the poor people.

3. He turned down a crown three times.


A rhetorical device in which a character speaks to someone who is dead or not there or to an inanimate object.

What is apostrophe?