Literary Devices
What was Said
General Knowledge

These latin terms translated are logical appeal, credibility appeal, and emotional appeal (must answer in the correct order)

What is logos, ethos, and pathos?


Antony claims that he is refusing to read Caesar’s will to the crowd because it a. proves that Brutus is an honorable man b. will make the crowd angry that Caesar is dead c. includes information about Caesar’s ambition d. praises Caesar’s accomplishments as a leader.

What is letter b


This character says “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;/I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him./The evil men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones.”

Who is Mark Antony

Once a close friend of Caesar’s and a conspirator
Who was Brutus

This character dies by asking a slave to kill him.

Who is Caius Cassius?


In Julius Caesar, the stormy night from act 2 is an example of this common literary device.

What is foreshadowing?


An important effect of Brutus’ death in Act V, Scene v is that a. Antony surrenders b. Cassius is deemed the hero of the battle c. Brutus’ army is chased away d. Antony recognizes Brutus as noble and virtuous

What is letter d


Who Said “Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;/He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.”

Who is Julius Caesar

Murdered by Cassius and the other conspirators
Who was Julius Caesar

This emotion led to the eventual downfall of the conspirators, specifically Cassius and Brutus. 

What is guilt?


The repetition of the phrase "and Brutus is an honest man" is an example of these two rhetorical devices. 

What are anaphora and antithetical language?


This is the following is a source of conflict between Cassius and Brutus: a. Brutus believes that Cassius has taken bribes. b. Brutus regrets the murder of Caesar. c. Cassius believes that Portia has died in a strange way. d. Antony blames both Brutus and Cassius for Caesar’s death.

What is letter a


This character says “Et tu Brute?”

Who is Julius Caesar

Friend of Caesar, senator, and skilled orator (speaker)
Who is Mark Antony

This is the reason Brutus joins the conspiracy to kill Caesar.

What is that he believes that it is the just/honorable thing to do?


This term refers to a speech given by a character that only the audience hears, not others on stage. 

What is soliloquy? 


In Act III, Scene ii, Antony points to the wounds on Caesar’s body and the tears in his cloak and identify whose dagger made each one in order to a. show that Antony saw the murder and knows who is responsible. b. Increase Antony’s credibility with the crowd. c. Emphasize the treachery involved and makes each conspirator personally responsible for Caesar’s death. d. He is so horrified by the crime that he can’t help exclaiming over it.

What is letter c


This character says to Caesar, "You shall not stir out of your house to-day."

Who is Calphernia?

Great-nephew of Caesar and member of the triumvirate
Who is Octavius Caesar

This is Antony's motive in asking to speak at Caesar's funeral.

What is to turn the people against the conspirators?


This term refers to the breaks at the end of each line of metered verse in one of Shakespeare's plays or poems. 

What is enjambment?


The speech from Act III, Scene I, where Antony first sees Caesar’s dead body "ANTONY. O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with these butchers! Thou art the ruins of the noblest man That ever lived in the tide of times. Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!" can best be paraphrased as: a. Forgive me, Caesar, for being friendly with your murderers. You are the noblest man that ever lived, and you are ruined. I wish misfortune on the hand that made your wounds. b. Antony addresses Caesar’s corpse and pledges to get revenge on his killers. c. Pardon me, bloody earth, that I did not kill these butchers! You have ruined the noblest man, regardless of the times. That hand that shed this blood will pay. d. Forgive me for being meek. These butchers have ruined a noble man. This blood has been shed by a woeful hand.

What is letter a


This character says, "Dwell I but in the suburbs
Of your good pleasure? If it be no more,
Portia is Brutus' harlot, not his wife. "

Who is Portia?

Says, “Beware the Ides of March.”
Who is the soothsayer

Julius Caesar is this genre of Shakespearean play.

What is tragedy?