How does Shakespeare portray the government in this play?
Corrupt, dishonest, untrustworthy
"Et tu Brute? Then fall, Caesar." Said in Act 3, what is the context of this quote? Include who said it and why they said it.
Caesar said it as he was being stabbed and dying. Couldn't believe his friend has betrayed him.
Who runs a race during the Feast of Lupercal?
Mark Antony
What mistake leads to Cassius's suicide?
He thought his friend Titinius had been captured and killed.
The Senators of Rome wore this colored-stripe on their togas to signify their rank.
What does the soothsayer warn Caesar about?
"Beware of the Ides of March"
Who has a dream of Caesar's statue spurting blood?
His wife, Calpurnia
In his funeral speech, Antony repeats the line "Brutus is an honorable man" several times. What is he trying to achieve by saying this again and again?
He was being sarcastic and wants to make the crowd question Brutus's character by referring to him as "honorable."
The people of Rome (commoners) were also known as what?
Who were the THREE individuals that tried to warn Caesar about March 15th
Soothsayer, Artemidorus, Calpurnia
Why was Brutus willing to join the conspiracy against Caesar even though he was his friend?
Brutus was convinced Caesar was ambitious and he did not want to be ruled by a king. "It's not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more."
Why was the Poet killed at the end of Act 3?
He had the same name as one of the conspirators and the mob was angry that Caesar had been killed.
How does Caesar's death increase tension in the story?
The audience is unsure of how Mark Antony will react and if it will be with violence.
What theater were most of Shakespeare's plays performed?
The Globe
What do Caesar's dying words express?
His surprise that his close friend Brutus is one of the assassins.
Who warns Brutus that Antony will turn against the conspirators?
Does the following phrase from Antony's speech use ethos, pathos, or logos? "I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, but here I am to speak what I do know."
A Shakespearen tragedy always contains five acts, and the fifth act always contains what sort of error in judgment?
There is miscommunication in which characters in this act rely on misinformation and make hasty decisions that ultimately lead to death.
What leadership trait does Brutus lack? In other words, what is his tragic flaw?
He is too trusting; not being able to see others' dark motives.
What is Brutus's main motivation for his deeds?
His love for Rome
Why does Antony send a servant to the Capitol in Act 3?
He wants to know if he can return and safely speak in Rome... and that the conspirators won't also kill him.
The art of effective persuasive speaking or writing is called: