Interesting Facts
Complete the Sentence
Jackie & Mark

It is today raining, but tomorrow be will sunny. (2)

It is raining today, but tomorrow will be sunny.


How many countries have a land border with Canada?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 4

a) 1 - The USA has a land border with Canada.


Name the country that has the most tourists each year.

a) U.S.A.

b) China

c) France

c) France: 89 Million (2nd, is Spain)


Viet Duc is _____, has two sons, and _____in Hanoi.

old, hides, sleeps, married, rich, lives

Viet Duc is married, has two sons, and lives in Hanoi.


Jackie's uncle Ted is a farmer and he likes to play tricks.






Our wife is cranky, but his neighbour is a sweet lady. (2)

Our neighbour is cranky, but his wife is a sweet lady.


How many countries have a land border with Brazil?

a) six

b) twelve

c) ten

c) ten - Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela


In 2023, 1,456 Million people in the world spoke this language.

a) Chinese (Mandarin)

b) Hindi (India)

c) English

c) English, 1,456 million

Chinese 1.138 million

Hindi 609.5 million

Spanish 559.1 million


Brasilia is a modern ___ that was ____ in ____ and is the _____ of Brazil.

Bus, 100 days, built, city, capital, animal, rocket, sold, 1960

Brasilia is a modern city that was built in 1960 and is the capital of Brazil.


Jackie and Jeff like travel adventures. Which countries were included in their most recent trip?

a) Spain, Italy, and Scotland

b) Spain, Italy and Poland

c) Spain, Italy and Egypt

c) Spain, Italy and Egypt


Your paint are so pretty, did you them yourself nails? (2)

Your nails are so pretty, did you paint them yourself?


How many countries have land borders with Vietnam?

a) six

b) three

c) two

b) three - China, Laos, Cambodia


Tickling ourselves makes us laugh?

a) True             

b) only after dark

c) False

c) False: we can't because our brains predict the sensation.


For _____, Dayse ordered _____ cake and ____ with cream and _____.

lunch, dessert, beef, shoes, 

chocolate, tall, coffee, carrots, sugar

For dessert, Dayse ordered chocolate cake and coffee with cream and sugar.


What practical joke did Uncle Ted play on Jackie and Jeff?

1) he sprinkled baby powder in Jackie's hair dryer

2) set all their alarm clocks to 4 AM

3) he put a For Sale sign in their front yard

2) set all their alarm clocks to 4 AM


Don't tell husband; my anyone paints my nails. a perfectionist He is. (3)

Don't tell anyone; my husband paints my nails. He is a perfectionist.


How many kilometres from Vietnam to Brazil?

a) 17,899 km

b) 12,699 km

c) 8,000 km

a) 17,899 km


Which country is the largest indoor stadium located?

a) U.S.A.

b) South Korea

c) Germany

b) South Korea (114,000)


Chewing _____ is not sold in _____, and people could be ____ and sent to ____ if they do.

rice, buses, gum, churches, Singapore, tickled, shoes, fined, Disney World, Olympics, prison

Chewing gum is not sold in Singapore, and people could be fined and sent to prison if they do.


Mark agreed to let his children have a pet. What three pets did his kids ask for?

a) all three kids wanted a dog

b) dog, cat, rabbit

c) a miniature goat, a dog and a cat

c) miniature goat, a dog and a cat


I'd want never my husband to nails my paint. He's a worker construction and has no patients. (3)

I'd never want my husband to paint my nails. He's a construction worker and has no patients.


This is, (a) Taiwan,(b) Thailand,(c) Philippines



Colour Spectrum choose the correct order?

a) orange, red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

b) red, yellow, green, orange, blue, indigo, violet

c) red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

c) red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet


My favourite ___ as a child was Ginger, my ____. She was ______ with a black ___l and mane.

place, bicycle, pet, horse, spunky, tall, brown, hat, shoes, tail

My favourite pet as a child was Ginger, my horse. She was brown with a black tail and mane.


Jackie was late for work because she helped a couple who were:

a) elderly and needed directions to their hotel

b) blind, and constructions blocked the sidewalk

c) shopping for shoes and couldn't make a decision.

b) blind, and constructions blocked the sidewalk