Random Trivia
In the Kitchen
Stuff of Legends
Dating Etiquette
Precious Stones

Located in Lake Huron, Mackinac Island is part of this U.S. state.

What is Michigan?


Thyme, parsley, dill, and rosemary are all types of this.

What are herbs?


He was the legendary king of England who pulled Excalibur from the Stone.

Who is King Arther?


On the First Date this is the most important thing for a man do.

What is Be on time?


This stone has traces of chromium in it giving it a green color.

What is an Emerald?


The painting La Gioconda is better known by this name.

What is the Mona Lisa?


When cutting lemons to avoid teary eyes you should do this.

What is cut them under running water?


This triangular region in the North Atlantic ocean is legend to have made ships and aircrafts vanish.

What is the Bermuda Triangle?


When arriving at the car the man is expected to do this.

What is Open the door?


This is solidified Carbon and one of the most expensive materials on earth. 

What is a Diamond?


The online Acronym SMH stands for this

What is Shaking my head?


This Kitchen item is the most common to be reused in cooking.

What is oil?


This Man is legend to have stolen from the rich and given to the poor.

Who is Robin Hood?


This is a date where you don't know who you will meet usually set up by someone else.

What is a Blind Date?


Daily Double!!!!!!

This multi colored stone is the birthstone of October was prized as a royal stone in Europe during the Mid evil times. 

What is an Opal?


Daily Double!!!!

He was the only Bachelor to serve as U.S President.

Who is James Buchanan?


This handy kitchen device is used to purify liquids or separate liquids from solids. 

What is a Strainer?


This legendary City is rumored to have sank to the bottom of the sea.

What is Atlantis?


This is a date in which two couples participate.

What is a Double Date?


Daily Double!!!!!!!

This Precious green stone was  sought after in ancient Asian countries which adored jewelry and weapons with it.

What is Jade?


Ruling for 64 years, this Queen was the longest-reigning British monarch before Queen Elizabeth II.

Who is Queen Victoria?


Daily Double!!!!!!!!

This hand-powered tool is used to tenderize slabs of meat in preparation for cooking 

What is a Meat Mallet or Meat Tenderizer?


This old American Folklore tells of a man so large he was delivered by 5 storks and his footprints created Minnesota's 10,000 Lakes,  

What is the legend of Paul Bunyan?


Daily Double!!!!!

Dating today it is customary for this person to pay on the second date.

Who is the person who did't pay on the first date?


This type of Precious stone is most valuable if produced in the wild inside of shellfish.

What are Pearls?