Fruits and Vegetables
Olympic Games
Modes of Transportation
Vacation Destinations
Appliances and Household Items

What vegetable grows in the ground: grapes or carrots?

Carrots. Carrots are 87 percent water and the second-most sugary vegetable behind the beet.


What country hosted the very first Olympic Games: France or Greece?

 Greece. The very first Olympic Games was held in Greece in 776 BC. According to many sources, athletes competed in the nude or in a loin cloth in the early games.


Which type of truck has 18 wheels: box truck or tractor-trailer?

Tractor-trailer. The earliest tractortrailer was invented in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1898. Alexander Winton is credited with the invention. He utilized the truck to transport automobiles to their new owners.


What continent is home to the Sydney Opera House: South America or Australia?

Australia. The Sydney Opera House is one of the most popular tourist spots in Australia. Its unique design makes it one of the most photographed buildings in the world


Which of the following is a popular brand of sewing machines: Samsung or Singer?

Singer. Isaac Singer designed and developed the Singer sewing machine in 1851. It was able to sew 900 stitches in one minute.


What vegetable comes in green, red, yellow, and orange: Brussels sprouts or peppers?

Peppers. Pepper plants are widely grown in tropical areas of Central/ South America and Asia. The plants range in size from two to four feet in height.


What competition is considered a track-and-field event: dressage or high jump?

High jump. The high jump was first practiced in England. It began as an Olympic sport for men in 1896 and for women in 1928. Dressage is one of the equestrian events.


What color is a traditional taxicab in the United States: blue or yellow?

Yellow. The first taxicabs appeared in European cities in 1891. The term derives from the taximeter used to measure distance driven and time to determine a measured fair. The first taxicab hit the streets in New York City in 1907.


What group of islands in the Pacific Ocean has active volcanoes: Cuba or Hawaii?

Hawaii. Each Hawaiian Island has at least one volcano. There are currently six active volcanoes on the Hawaiian Islands.


What company is known for making vacuum cleaners: Maytag or Hoover?

Hoover. The Hoover vacuum was invented in 1907 by Murray Spangler, a janitor. The first version of the vacuum was called the suction sweeper


What fruit is used to make different types of wine: cantaloupe or grapes?

Grapes. Grapevines, when left untrimmed, can grow to more than 50 feet tall. Do you remember the I Love Lucy episode where Lucy stomps grapes?


What backyard game debuted as an Olympic event in 1992: horseshoes or badminton?

Badminton. Horseshoe pitching is not included because there is little interest outside the United States. For a sport to qualify, there must be enough interest from 17 countries


What popular mode of transportation is used in major cities like London, England; Toronto, Canada; and New York City: ferries or subway trains?

Subway trains. The first subway was proposed in London in 1843. The subway was finally completed and opened to passengers in 1863.


What tourist spot is known as the “happiest place on Earth”: Six Flags Great Adventure or Walt Disney World?

Walt Disney World. Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, was the second theme park built by Disney and opened in 1971. Magic Kingdom, the most popular of the Florida parks, receives 17 million visitors annually.


What large appliance is usually located in the laundry room: dishwasher or dryer?

Dryer. The earliest version of a tumble dryer was invented in 1799. It was a round barrel with holes positioned over an open fire. A hand crank was used to rotate the barrel and dry the clothes.


What berry is usually paired with shortcake: blackberries or strawberries?

Strawberries. Strawberries come from a flowering plant native to the northern hemisphere. The fruit is mostly used as dessert or consumed fresh.


How many Olympic rings are in the Olympic symbol: three or five?

Five. The Olympic Rings first appeared in a letter written by the founder of the modern Olympic Games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin. The symbol first appeared in the games in 1920.


What means of transport is primarily used in Venice, Italy: a quad or water bus?

Water bus. Venice's water buses, known as vaporetti, offer a scenic way to navigate the city’s picturesque canals and waterways. A quad is an all-terrain vehicle


In what country can you walk the Great Wall: Japan or China?

China. The Great Wall of China is a massive structure. Its length measures more than 13,000 miles (21,000 km).


What early invention was called an ice box: ice-cream maker or refrigerator?

Refrigerator. Before the creation of the electric refrigerator in 1927, households used a wooden box lined with tin and a block of ice to preserve food from spoiling.


What melon has green flesh: cantaloupe or honeydew?

Honeydew. Honeydew with the white outer skin is sweeter than the melons with yellow outer skin. The state of California produces the majority of honeydew melons for the United States.


What color medal represents first place: bronze or gold?

Gold. The tradition of medals for the top finishers started at the 1904 St. Louis Games. The medals are designed by the host cities and change with every Olympics.


What road vehicle transports broken-down vehicles: dump truck or tow truck?

Tow truck. The first tow truck dates back to 1916. Ernest Holmes Sr. was tasked with aiding a disabled Model T. He mounted a chain-and-pulley system to a 1913 Cadillac, creating the first tow truck.


What city is the gambling capital of North America: Cancun or Las Vegas?

Las Vegas. The famous Las Vegas Strip remains a top U.S. vacation spot. In recent years, the city has added more family-friendly shows and venues to attract a wider range of guests.


What household item is used to take the wrinkles out of clothes: straightening iron or steam iron?

Steam iron. The earliest electric iron dates back to the 1880s. The development of the electric iron coincided with the installation of electricity in houses.