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Colourful References

This is the meat of a deer.  


It is so lean that you need to add some fat to it before cooking. It’s also more nutritious than beef.


This is a covering that goes underneath one’s placemats at dinner.  


Cotton and linen tablecloths have natural fibers that absorb messes more quickly, while synthetics are more stain- and wrinkle-resistant.


France is known for having around 400 different varieties of which dairy product?  


Along with wine, France is renowned for its cheese-making traditions. Each region of France offers different types of cheese that vary in texture, taste, and color. Can you name any popular French cheeses? (Brie, Muenster, Gruyère, Roquefort, Comté, etc.)


This national park is located primarily in Wyoming.


It was the first national park in the world, and its top attraction is the Old Faithful geyser.


What animal is on the Canadian twoonie?

Polar bear!


This brand of tiny breath mints was introduced in 1969, is packaged in a small rectangular container, and packs a punch. 

 Tic Tac

Made by the same company that makes Nutella, the product’s original name was Refreshing Mints, which is not as catchy as Tic Tac.  


These small, implanted devices in the chest regulate the heartbeat.  


The devices monitor the heart constantly and give it a nudge when it needs regulation. Did you know your sinus node controls your heartbeat? It normally acts as the body’s own pacemaker.


What famous California-based theme park extended its locations to France in 1992?  


In April 1992, Disneyland Paris opened its doors. Since its opening, it has grown to be a popular tourist destination, offering two world-class theme parks, hotels, villages, a 27-hole golf course, and Europe’s largest corporate event venue.


Roy Orbison was the original performer of this hit 1960s song about a low-lying body of water.  

“Blue Bayou”

Linda Ronstadt’s late ’70s cover of “Blue Bayou” was also a hit


Arizona’s state flower should come as no surprise, as this plant covers the desert landscape.  


Specifically, it is the saguaro cactus, native to the Sonora Desert. It’s illegal to harm one of these cacti.


These luscious nuts are native to Australia but now are grown in places like Hawaii, Brazil, and Costa Rica.  


 It grows on trees but falls to the ground when ripe.


What is the name of the adventure novel written by Alexandre Dumas (du-MAH) that follows the life of a young sailor who is falsely accused of treason and imprisoned?  

The Count of Monte Cristo

It is a literary classic that continues to be read and enjoyed today. Interestingly, Dumas got the title for the book from a boat trip he took with Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother. Dumas was so awed by the island of Monte Cristo’s beauty that he vowed to name his next novel after it.


This novel by Alice Walker was made into a movie starring Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg, and Oprah Winfrey in 1985.  

The Color Purple

Steven Spielberg directed the film and called it his first serious film.


If you look at this state on a map, you will see how it earned its early nickname of “The Mitten State.”  


for its resemblance to a human hand, and apparently Michiganders indicate where they're from by using their hands as a rudimentary map of the state. It earned its nickname in the 1800s.


You are considered this until the moment admission forms are signed at the hospital.  


Care of this kind is sometimes called ambulatory or day patient care.


What is the name of the light and airy pastry that puffs up during baking and is then filled with a sweet cream?  


What makes an éclair so special is the baking method. The pastry rises from the use of steam. It does not use yeast, baking soda, or baking powder, unlike other popular desserts.


In 1900 the color of what "fever" was discovered?


Yellow fever is a disease caused by a flavivirus that is transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. It gets its name from the yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice) that occurs when the virus attacks the liver. Yellow fever can be prevented by a vaccine.


Native Hawaiian women adopted this long, loose dress.  


It’s typically a long, brightly colored, patterned dress and was introduced by Christian missionaries in the 1820s.


This word means “the same thing over and over; tediously repetitive” as well as “speaking in the same tone without varying intonation.”  


Ben Stein‘s portrayal of a teacher in Ferris Bueller‘s Day Off— notably his droning roll call, “Bueller… Bueller…”—exemplifies a truly monotonous delivery


What is the name of the clothing pattern often seen on army fatigues and used to conceal or hide the person wearing it?  


Army camouflage was introduced in 1914, when the French army became the first to create a dedicated camouflage unit. The theatrical nature of camouflage encouraged artists to participate in the attempt to hide the army’s military equipment.


Emu eggs are what color?


The colouration is caused by deposition of pigment molecules onto the eggshell while it is formed in the bird's oviduct and can vary in colour. The pigment oocyanin is thought to produce blue and green colours.


This is the name of the pastry that is used to make an éclair.  

Choux (SHOO)

Choux pastry is made by heating milk, water, sugar, salt, and butter to a boil and blending in bread flour.


This term is a colloquial nickname for a musical instrument characterized by bellows and buttons.  


 Both the accordion and the concertina are commonly referred to by this term.


Which French dessert is known for its soft, airy, texture and is notorious for being unforgiving during the baking process?  

Soufflé (soo-FLAY)

 The word soufflé comes from the French word souffler, which means “to blow or puff.” A soufflé will often collapse because the ingredients are not perfectly measured or because the temperature in the oven is too high.


Which hair color graces the heads of one in 16 Americans?

Red Hair