Class Pace
Class Quality
Problem Solving

What ratio of time should we complete each class?



How do we keep our mini parents from getting bored?

Progressions, describe next level so they can prepare


If a kid is not behaving in class, what are the next steps of approach?

Corrections, sit out, talk to parent/DA


What should you do after the first 15 minutes of class?

Go through curr. and notes on roster


Explain what you should do during wall skills?

Simulate REAL fall and have them try to get back by themselves


What do you do if a child is crying?

Comfort them, keep class going!


How do you determine what to do during the last 3 minutes of class?

No practice during class/high month check= no fun skills


What should you look like when teaching a class?

Happy, positive, and energetic


What should you do if a child is not on your roster?

Keep class going, have them sit down and participate, tell DS asap


What does end of class communication look like?

DO NOT STOP CLASS, have them swim until the last possible second, and show parent skill, compliment sandwhich


What are the 3 things you should do when teaching a new skill?

Explain, show, practice


If you have an angry parent what should you do?

Apologize and tell them to go to front desk to speak to management


What is the importance of kids practicing at home?

Muscle memory, showing parents they need to work on skill, helps them move up quicker


What is an on spot correction?

As soon as you see something incorrect stop them and fix it before having them swim the rest of the way


How do you parents keep from being cramped in a mini class?

Have them swim from lane line to wall, use island as a marker, communicate with other instructor