Canadian Trivia
Music for Nelly
World Geography

How far away is the sun from earth

93 000 000 million miles away

Even light, which travels so quickly that we cannot even see it move, takes eight minutes to get from the sun to earth.


On April 2, 1975, this Canadian landmark became the tallest freestanding structure tower in the world till 2009.

The CN Tower approached completion in March 1975, when Olga, the giant Sikorsky helicopter, flew into the city to lift the 39 pieces of the antenna into place. The CN Tower was finished on April 2, 1975, opening to the public on June 26, 1976. At 553 metres (1,815 feet), it would remain the tallest freestanding structure in the world until surpassed by Dubai’s Burj Khalifa in 2009.


The instrument is sometimes known as a fiddle 

the violin

is a wooden chordophone in the violin family. Most violins have a hollow wooden body. It is the smallest and thus highest-pitched instrument in the family


This tall landmark was suppose to be taken down after the  1889 World's fair

what is the Eiffel tower in Paris


The Galapagos Islands were studied by which famous English Naturalist, who wrote the important works On the Origin of Species

Who is Charles Darwin


True or False : flies are able to crawl on the ceiling, because their feet are made of super glue.

false: A fly has foot pads that are covered in tacky glue. 


This person wrote "In Flanders Field", but died the following winter due to pneumonia.

Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae


True or False: the flute is part of the woodwind group



This country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the USA

What is France


What instrument does Nelly our resident play every morning after gym class

The piano


Which of Newton’s Laws state that ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?’

Third law


What year did we stop using the penny

Feb 4th 2013


These peoples originally made drums from hides of animals and carved wood.

What are Indigenous peoples


Name the four presidents that make up Mount Rushmore

  1. Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln

Had pirates known about this vitamin, then they wouldn’t have suffered from scurvy. What vitamin is this

What is Vitamin C


How many elements are there in the periodic table



What year did Canada get her own flag

February 15th 1965 - also celebrated as flag day


Gordon Lightfoot


Name three highest mountains in the world

What are Mount Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Nanga Parbat, and Annapurna. 


This Canadian Bird lives for up to 30 years, nests in the same area year after year and after raising their young fly to the Atlantic ocean for the winter

What is the loon


This person discovered penicillin, which made it one of the most important discovery in medical science

 Alexander Fleming


Who was the first peoples to land on Canada's coast 

The Vikings in 1000 AD

L’Anse aux Meadows, which is part of Newfoundland’s Viking Trail.


Name two different types of guitars

Acoustic, Archtop. fretless, classical flattop


What threes countries has the most fresh water in the world?

Brazil, Canada and Russia


This continent is home to many species of flora and fauna that is endemic to its country

what is Australia


This famous  Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer, discovered 

  • Craters and mountains on the Moon. The Moon's surface was not smooth and perfect as received wisdom had claimed but rough, with mountains and craters whose shadows changed with the position of the Sun.
  • The phases of Venus. 
  • Jupiter's moons.
  • The stars of the Milky Way

Who is Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei 


Name all the great lakes

Huron, Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Superior


How many keys on a standard piano

There are 88 keys on a standard piano : includes 7 octaves plus an additional 3 keys below the bottom C. The contemporary piano has 52 white keys and 36 black keys with one octave equal to 7 white keys and 5 black keys


Name three  longest rivers in the world

  • Nile River: The longest river in the world.
  • Amazon River: Second longest and the largest by water flow.
  • Yangtze River: The longest river in Asia.
  • Mississippi-Missouri. USA
  • Yenisei. Russia to the arctic ocean

Can you name the Country that Valerian was born in.

What is Uganda


Many of us believe that the average human has 5 senses, but that’s not actually true. What two other senses do we have that are often left unknown to most people

Vestibular and proprioceptive senses 


Informs the brain of the relative position of certain body parts to others


Informs the brain of a person’s position in space


This first recorded discovery happened on August 12, 1884, by Joseph B. Tyrrell what province and what was discovered ?

What is Alberta and what are dinosaurs

Alberta has dinosaur fossils from the Cretaceous Period, or more specifically, primarily from the last 15 million years of the age of the dinosaurs (about 66-81 million years ago). Fossils of all kinds are found throughout the geological history of the Earth.


Name two of five types of instruments



Wood Wind




How many states share a border with Canada and can you name them


Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Alaska


The famous climbers that scaled Mount Everest

Who is Edmund Percival Hillary and his Sherpa  Tenzing Norgay 

But was he?

During the 1924 British expedition, the largest and most prepared at the time to summit the mountain, George Mallory and Andrew “Sandy” Irvine disappeared during a summit attempt – giving birth to one of mountaineering’s enduring mysteries.


Name the two substances that make up  bronze

tin and copper


This provincial area of land is the oldest in Canada for camping, hiking and wilderness watching. It's current size is of about 7,653 square kilometres (2,955 sq mi). It is 1.5 times bigger then Prince Edward Island.

What is Algonquin Park

Algonquin Provincial Park is located between Georgian Bay and the Ottawa River in Ontario. Established in 1893, it is the oldest provincial park in Canada, and definitely one of the most popular in Ontari


Name three famous Canadian singers

Who is Celion Dion, Gordon Lightfoot, Paul Anka, Anne Murray


Name the 7 continents and 5 oceans

Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica

Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe 

Indian, Atlantic, Pacific, Southern, Arctic


Which oath of ethics taken by doctors is named after an Ancient Greek physician

Hippocratic Oath