Laundry Tips
Name that Product
Science Fiction No More
Moments that Changed the World
The Eyes Have It
When drying clothes on the line, it is best to position the clothes in the shade to avoid this.
What is fading
"Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is"
What is Alka -Seltzer
Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451, wrote about "little seashells" and "thimble radios". Little did he know that everyone with a smartphone would listen to music with these
What are ear buds or headphones
On November 9, 1989, this barrier wall official opened; the next day workers began to "tear down this wall"
What is the Berlin Wall
When we were children, our parents told us not to cross our eyes because this would happen
What is "your eyes will get stuck"
To avoid this (especially in winter), without using fabric softener, remove the clothes from the dryer before they're bone dry
What is static cling
"The quicker picker upper"
What is Bounty
Arthur C. Clarke, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, wrote about a device called a "newspad". Little did he know that Apple would come out with this mobile computer.
What is the iPad
On December 7, 1941, this bombing of a naval base in Hawaii brought the United States into World War II
What is Pearl Harbor
Our parents told us we would ruin our eyesight from sitting too close to the TV or from reading without proper lighting. Instead these activities would really cause this condition
What is eye fatique
You can roll a piece of aluminum foil in a ball and toss it in the dryer as a substitute for this.
What is fabric softener
" A little dab'll do ya"
What is Brylcreem
This Italian artist, who painted Mona Lisa, drew over 500 sketches of "flying machines" centuries before the airplane became a reality
Who is Leonardo da Vinci
This event on October 29, 1929, brought the United States to its knees
What is the stock market crash
All of our lives, we have been told to eat this orange vegetable to keep our eyes healthy
What is carrot
If you run out of spray starch, you can borrow this common thickening agent from your pantry to make homemade starch
What is cornstarch
"The Citi never sleeps"
What is Citibank
This popular 1960's TV cartoon foresaw many advances that have become reality, such as robots, trips to the moon, and video chats.
What is The Jetsons
On August 6, 1945, the Atomic Age began when the United States dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. Then three days later, a second atomic bomb was dropped on this city in Japan
What is Nagasaki
Cats have this number of eyelids
What is three
If you get a ballpoint ink stain on a garment, you can use this aerosol beauty product to remove it
What is hairspray
"Put a tiger in your tank"
What is Esso
George Orwell wrote about the telescreen in his novel 1984, and today these electronics are found in nearly every home in North America.
What is the flat-screen TV.
June 6, 1944, the invasion of Normandy, is known as this day.
What is D-Day
The macula sits in the center of this portion of the eye
What is the retina.