Active/Armed Assailant
Disaster/Civil Response
Contaminated spill/leak
Random Security
More Random Security


How should Unarmed Security personnel attempt to mitigate the potential threat?                                                       


Through containment and isolation of the threat


During large public gatherings or civil disturbances, personnel should be mindful that their actions and the actions of staff may be what?                       



Overtly or Covertly recorded                        




Upon arriving on scene what two things need to be done first?

Isolate the area in and around the spill

Ensure people are kept at a safe distance



Medical Center Security personnel do not have what authority?                                                       


Statutory authority to conduct criminal investigations nor do they possess arrest powers.



What must you get from a visitor before searching their person or personal items?

Verbal Consent. *They can withdraw consent at anytime and the officer MUST stop the search. 

An officer should ask the visitor to leave afterwards. If they refuse, Trespass may by an option. 



Response to the event can be guided by the phrase




“Loco Is Eva”   Locate, Contain, Isolate, and Evacuate”.






Security Personnel noticing the assembly of groups of persons without cause will notify who?                        



ECC, "give location, and description of group" 


When you call ECC, who should they notify?

Environmental Health & Safety Department (EHS




 Employees are expected to notify their Supervisor how early to qualify for a scheduled absence/PTO? 



At least two weeks in advance in order to qualify as a scheduled absence/PTO.                    


What are the search heights when looking for a suspicious package?

Floor to Waist, Waist to Chin, Chin to Ceiling, False Ceiling if present. 



Unarmed Security personnel will respond in the direction of the event but will not?




Enter the location of the event




How should Security Officers act towards groups of persons?





                                                                          Maintain a non-confrontational, neutral demeanor avoiding any display of opposition or support for the protest purpose.                        




What two areas need to be secured to prevent personnel from entering the contaminated zone.

Elevators and Stairwells 



Failure to attend scheduled training or staff meetings without notification and/or permission of a supervisor is considered what?



 “no call – no show.”



What two things should be completed during any Drug Violation or Liquor Law Violation?

Obtain two witnesses during disposal, and take photos.

* A visitor has the option of leaving property and taking the Alcohol with them.                 




Armed Security personnel will respond to the event in attempt to?




Locate and neutralize the ongoing threat.




What 3 key points should be determined and completed if possible when responding to a large gathering of people.

Evaluate the environment and identify a leader

Attempt to establish contact with identified leadership and determine their purpose.                        

Provide information that the unauthorized assembly is not permitted on Medical Center property and request they move from property.   













Who will be notified if the spill is to large or toxic to be managed by EH&S.

The Fire Department


                           Triple Points

 Personnel shall have reviewed and remain familiar with applicable Medical Center policies to include: There are 6            



Attendance Policy                                                   Employee Identification                                           Employee Rules And Regulations
Hours Of Work

Substance Abuse                    




How long are "stored items" kept before destroyed or given to charitable organizations?

What is 60 days


                                                                          In the absence of security or law enforcement direction, persons should remain where?                   



Secured in place until notification is made via MIR 3, email and Overhead Paging.                    




What 2 things should a Security Officer avoid doing?

Personnel should avoid confrontational behavior or actions.  "This might be misrepresented or easily manipulated and cause undue criticism of the Medical Center."

 Security personnel will not provide statements regarding the protest.  "Defer all media inquiries to Communications and Marketing."                   









For Chemo spills in clinical areas, what should be done.

Nursing should follow their Department spill policy. If it is to large, EH&S should be notified.


What is the current date range for short sleeve to long sleeve shirts to be worn. 

April 15th-October 31st-short sleeve

Nov 1st- April 14th-Long Sleeve.


                         Triple Points

According to the new Advocate Health investigation policy, when conducting a "Investigation", what are the two different responses that should noted in the last submitted line of the narrative? 

Investigation Continuing or Investigation Inactive