4th of July
Declaration of Independence
Liberty Bell
not sure

What is the offical name for July 4th? 

Independence  Day 


What is the most popular meat served on the 4th of July? 

Hot dogs 


The Fourth of July commemorates which document?

The Declaration of Independence


Who was the first singer of the Declaration of Independence? 

John Hancock 


Who sewed the American Flag? 

Betty Ross

The Liberty Bell has a famous what in it? 



Who is credited with inventing fireworks? 

The Chinese 


How many people visit the liberty bell each year? 

over 1 million 


What do we celebrate on July 4th? 

July 4 marks the anniversary of when Congress, comprised of delegates from the United States' original 13 colonies, signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.


How is food typically cooked on the 4th of July? 

on the BBQ 


Where was the first celebration of Independence Day held?

Philadelphia in 1777


Where (what building) does one need to visit to view the Declaration of Independence? 

National Archives 

The current flag is the only one to have lasted more than ________ years.

The current flag is the only one to have lasted more than 50 years.


Every Independence Day, how many times does the Liberty Bell ring?



Which fireworks is this? 



What is the rarest color of fireworks produced? 



What are some traditional 4th of July colors?  

Red White and Blue 


What is the traditional Pie of the 4th of July? 

Apple Pie 


When did the Star Spangled Banner become the National Anthem? ( what year)

Bonus: Which President made it so? 

The Star Spangled Banner became the national anthem in 1931.

President Herbert Hoover signed the congressional resolution making it so.


On the Declaration of Independence, who had the largest signature?

John Hancock


What happens when a flag is torn or to weather to fly?

 Its retired A retired flag should be destroyed in a dignified way, according to the U.S. Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8. The American Legion passed a resolution in 1937 that burning is the approved method, and flag retirement ceremonies have been a tradition since then.


Where is the Liberty bell housed? (What city and  state) 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Fireworks commonly come in 7 colors. Try to name 4. 

Fireworks can produce many colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and silver.  


__________ is the only state that bans all consumer fireworks.

Hint: its the Bay State  

Massachusetts is the only state that bans all consumer fireworks.


What do we now that was done at the first independence  day to celebrate? 


Early U.S. settlers brought their love of fireworks with them to the New World and fireworks were part of the very first Independence Day – a tradition that continues every 4th of July when we celebrate as John Adams had hoped “with pomp, parade….bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other.”


What is the most popular grilled veggie on the 4th of July? 

corn on the cob 


Which president of the United States was the first to host a Fourth of July celebration at the White House?

Thomas Jefferson in 1801


During World War II, where was the Declaration of Independence stored?

Fort Knox

In what shape does one property fold the flag? 

a triangle 


What is written on the Liberty Bell? 

"Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof."


On America's first Fourth of July celebration in 1777, fireworks were what color?  

On America's first Fourth of July celebration in 1777, fireworks were one color: orange.


What Treaty officially made America independent and recognized at an independent nation? 

The Treaty of Paris is what officiated American independence.


What is the official date of the first 4th of July? 

Day, Month and YEAR

July 4th 1776

Bush's is the most popular name brand of this 4th of July BBQ staple. What is it? 


Which two US Presidents died on the 4th of July? 

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826.


Besides the Declaration of Independence what other important document was singed in Philadelphia?

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were both signed in Philadelphia.


 Who is the author of the Pledge of Allegiance?

Francis Bellamy


How much does it cost to visit the Liberty bell? 

Trick question its free although donations are encouraged 


About how much do Americans spend on Fireworks each year? 

Americans spend over $1 billion on fireworks every year.

According to the American Pyrotechnics Association, the numbers continue to go up every year.


How did Washington allow the soldiers to celebrate the 4th of July? 

U.S. soldiers got a special treat on the 4th of July in 1778.

George Washington helped the troops celebrate by allowing them a double ration of rum, according to Live Science.


On July 4th, which classic children's book was published?

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published on July 4, 1865.


What are the two things required for BBQ grills?

(what is used to make it hot enough to cook) 

gas or charcoal 


John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826. It was the ______ Anniversary of the signing of ___ _______ ___ ________.

This was also the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which they both signed.


Who did Betty Ross Famously share a birthday with? 

Betsy Ross and Paul Revere shared a birthday.

Ross, who is credited with sewing the first American flag, and Revere, who warned Samuel Addams and John Hancock the British were coming, were both born on New Year's Day.


Federal regulations specify that an American flag can only be flown from _________ to _________ 

Unless___ __ _ _

Federal regulations specify that an American flag can only be flown from sunrise to sunset…

…unless it is illuminated at night.


What is mis-spelled on the Liberty Bell? 

On the Liberty Bell, Pennsylvania is misspelled “Pensylvania.” This spelling was one of several acceptable spellings of the name at that time.


What is the person who handles fireworks called?

(Official Title not Uncle George after a few beers on the 4th of July) 

Pyrotechnicians are people who are responsible for the safe storage, handling, and functioning of pyrotechnics and pyrotechnic devices.


Where did the Liberty Bell's inscription come from?

the Bible King James version 


Independence day fell on what day of the week in 1779 prompting the celebration to be one day later. What day of the week was it? 

Independence Day was once celebrated on July 5.

The holiday fell on a Sunday in 1779, so the country celebrated on July 5th instead.


What two types of berries are popular for 4th of July desserts? 

Strawberries and Blueberries 


What was the total number of people who signed the Declaration of Independence?



Benjamin Franklin was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. There were at least 3 others on the draft committee. Try to name one.  

There were three others on the drafting committee: Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Robert Livingston.


How many different version of the flag have there been?

Bonus: when was the last addition made? 

There have been 27 different official versions of the flag.

The last addition was Hawaii's star after it was added in 1959.


How much does the Liberty bell weigh? 

Bonus: about how tall is it? 

2,080 pounds

about 4 feet 


The invention of fireworks lead to the invention of what?

The invention of fireworks led to the invention of pyrotechnic weaponry—not the other way around.

Sometime between 600 and 900 C.E., Chinese alchemists accidentally mixed saltpeter (or potassium nitrate) with sulfur and charcoal, inadvertently stumbling upon the crude chemical recipe for gunpowder. Supposedly, they had been searching for an elixir for immortality.


How many years did it take for the 4th to become an official holiday? 

It didn't become a federal holiday until 1870.

It took nearly 100 years for it to be recognized as such, but when it finally happened it was up in the ranks with Christmas and a few other holidays.


About how many million  people were living in the US on the first 4th of July? 

2.5 million
2.5 million The estimated number of people living in the newly independent nation in July 1776


The nation’s population on July 1, 2022.


What is the most popular alcoholic drink for the 4th of July?

Non alcoholic? 

Beer or Red white and blue cocktails



What is the location of the nation’s oldest Fourth of July parade?

Bristol, Rhode Island


How old was the youngest singer of the Declaration of Independence? 

The youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence was just 26 years old.

It was Edward Rutledge, who is a Founding Father and former governor of South Carolina.


Which President added the Under God to the pledge? 

It was Dwight D. Eisenhower who added "under god" to the Pledge of Allegiance.

The change happened in 1954, according to the Reagan Foundation.

What wood makes up the yoke of the bell? 

Bonus: is it the original? 

The bell's wooden yoke is American elm, but there is no proof that it is the original yoke for this bell.


What is the biggest fireworks celebration? 

The biggest celebration is the Macy's 4th of July Fireworks show, which takes over 8,000 hours to prepare!


How many places in the US have the word Liberty in their name? 

There are 33 places in the United States with the word “liberty” in their names.


Which American president was born on July 4th?

Calvin Coolidge, born on July 4, 1872


What food was served by John Adams and his wife at the first 4th of July? 

John Adams and his wife Abigail ate turtle soup, New England poached salmon with egg sauce, green peas, and boiled new potatoes in jackets for their first 4th of July celebration in 1776. They finished the meal with Indian pudding or Apple Pandowdy


What were the colonists who wanted freedom from England referred to as? (what were they called) 

Radicals  the Declaration of Independence's call for liberty and equality inspired a more radical revolution that sought to create a model society for freedom. The colonists' radicalism was evident in their use of higher-law principles like natural rights and consent of the governed to defend their rights. 


What was the name of the newspaper that published the Declaration of Independence?

The Pennsylvania Evening Post

WHY do we fold the flag in a triangle? 

The American flag's traditional triangle fold is meant to evoke a three-cornered hat.

This is the style of hat worn by George Washington and others in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.


What was the Liberty Bell originally called? 

The State House bell

The State House bell, now known as the Liberty Bell, rang in the tower of the Pennsylvania State House. Today, we call that building Independence Hall. 


Several chemicals are needed to create fireworks. Try to name one. 

Bonus: what color does the combination produce?

  • Strontium carbonate: Produces deep red fireworks
  • Calcium chloride: Produces orange fireworks
  • Sodium nitrate: Produces yellow fireworks
  • Barium chloride: Produces bright green fireworks
  • Copper chloride: Produces blue fireworks

Thomas Jefferson believed that a new Constitution should be written. WHEN or HOW OFTEN did he think it should be done? 

Thomas Jefferson believed that a new Constitution should be written every19 years.

In a letter to James Madison, he asked if "one generation of men has the right to bind another," saying that otherwise "the lands would belong to the dead, and not to the living, which would be the reverse of our principle"