First Aid
The Heart
Skeletal System

What’s the job of a tweezer in your first aid kit?

To pluck out splinters and other small objects that may have gotten stuck in your skin.


What’s somebody who is the doctor for the heart called? 



Which doctor specializes in the care of bones?

Orthopedic doctor or orthopedic surgeon 


If any serious emergency happens, what do you do IMMEDIATELY?

CALL 911!!!!!!!!


What do you do if you have a nosebleed?

Keep your head down, and hold a tissue under your nose.


How many compressions + breaths do you give for CPR?

2 breaths for every 15 compressions


What is the job of the heart?

To pump blood through a person’s body, along with providing oxygen to all of their body. If the heart stops working, the human cannot live. 


How many bones are in the human body?

206 bones


What do you if someone went into cardiac arrest? (After you call 911) 

1) Check if their breathing 2) If their not, begin to perform CPR unless they have a DNR (more in this later) 


What do you do if you got burned? (2nd degree)

Apply cold water or a wet cloth, then cover with moleskin to help blisters. 


Do you take somebody who has hypothermia into a sauna? Why or why not?

No! You shouldn’t take them from freezing temperatures straight to a really hot place or else their body will malfunction from trying to regulate body temperatures that fast.


How many passages are there to the heart?

There are 4 passages, also called chambers.


How many bones are in your ankles and feet?

52 bones!


In any accident that doesn’t involve you, but you are trying to help, what is the most important? Why?

A) The person injured

B) Yourself

C) The paramedics crew

D) The person‘s belongings 

B); Because if you get injured along with the injured person you just made everything even more difficult for everyone. So always check your surroundings in an accidental area!


What is a splint? What is it used for?

A device that keeps a body part still and unmovable. It is used for broken body parts. 


How do you help somebody who has heatstroke?

Apply a cool/wet cloth on their body, give them cold water, and call for medical help. 


What are the three parts of the heart located near the top called?

Superior Vena Cava, Aorta, Left Pulmonary Artery


What are the two bones in your legs below your knees called? Which one is bigger?

The tibia and fibula; fibula is larger


What do you do if you see someone’s car get totaled on your local street? (After calling 911) List 4 steps. 

1) Make sure the coats it clear for you to check. 2) Check the person in the crash, if they’re in a feasible position, try to remove them and put them in a better position. 3) Write down all injuries or remember so that you can tell the paramedics. 4) Perform first aid for smaller injuries and wait. 


What are two medical facts you’ve learnt since joining JUMP? (I must approve your facts)



What are 10 things you should have in your first aid kit? (Get at least 7 right for points)

1) Tweezers, 2) Scissors, 3) Gloves, 4) Antiseptic Wipes, 5) Bandages (different kinds), 6) Instant Cold Compress, 7) Gauze Pad(s), 8) Antibiotic Ointment, 9) Medical Tape, 10) Hand Sanitizer 


How big is your heart? Only 2 right answers ;)

A) You have a big heart and love JUMP club ❤ 

B) Approximately the size of a clenched fist, and weighs anywhere from 300-450g. 


Fill in the blank: 
“Remember: Your bones are ________ ! And every single one helps you move the way you do.” 

“Remember: Your bones are amazing! And every single one helps you move the way you do.”


What items should you keep in an evacuation bag for your home? List 14, 10 correct for points. 

Water, Non-Perishable food, a flashlight, portable charger, battery powered radio, extra batteries, first aid kit w medications, emergency blanket, copies of personal documents, multipurpose tool, personal hygiene products, rain gear, whistle, and matches.


What does CPR stand for?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation