Motivation/Behavior and Gambling
Psychology and Gambling
Gender and Gambling
Athletes and Gambling
Word of the Day
Which gender uses more avoidance strategies, men or women?

T/F: Gambling and problematic gambling have been predicted by the gambling outcome expectancies held by the students. 

True: Outcome expectancies predict whether a student is likely to participate in gambling or problematic gambling.

Which gender has a primary problem with gambling of slot machines and Bingo?

What % Male Student-Athletes and Female Student-Athletes (separate percentages) reported gambling within the past year  (will credit if within 10 percent). 

False! 57% of Male Student-Athletes and 39% of Female Student-Athletes reported gambling within the past year


Define summerize.

verb (used with object),  sum·mer·ized, sum·mer·iz·ing.

  1. to prepare (a house, car, etc.) so as to counteract the hot weather of summer: to summerize a house by adding air conditioning.
  2. to protect in hot weather for future use: to summerize a snowmobile.

What does an avoidance strategy mean in terms of gambling?
reduce the likelihood of engaging in gambling behavior or exposure to gambling opportunities.
T/F: Modifying outcome expectancies have not been shown to reduce problematic gambling behaviors
False: Modifying outcome expectancies does in fact lower gambling and problematic gambling rates.
True or False: Both males and females are motivated to gamble more for material gain.
True. A study found that a stronger endorsement for material gain led to an increase in gambling for both men and women.

T/F: college athletes more at risk of developing gambling problems throughout college? And if so, Why/Not?

True! Athletes are at higher risk of developing gambling problems due to their competitive personalities, need for action and excitement.


Define paragon. 

  1. a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence: a paragon of virtue.
  2. someone of exceptional merit: Just who is this paragon whose name is on everyone's lips?
  3. Printing. a 20-point type

What are the top 5 motives for gambling?
money, fun/enjoyment, social reasons, excitement, and to occupy time/boredom
T/F: In the broader field of addictions, outcome expectancies have been shown to predict adolescent risk taking including alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use.
True or False: Males gamble more frequently than females.
True. A study reported that men gambled at higher frequencies in a given year compared to women.
Why are athletes more at risk of developing gambling problems throughout college?
Athletes are at high risk for sports gambling because of their competitive personalities,need for action and excitement, perception of social norms, and sense of entitlement.

Define semaphore.

  1. a system of signaling, especially a system by which a special flag is held in each hand and various positions of the arms indicate specific letters, numbers, etc.
  2. an apparatus for conveying information by means of visual signals, as a light whose position may be changed

T/F The use of protective behavioral strategies is positively associated with gambling behavior.
Which gambler is less likely to seek treatment – internet gamblers or non-internet gamblers
Internet Gamblers
True or False: Women are more competitive than men when it comes to gambling.
False. A study found that males were more competitive due to their intrinsic driven to gamble. (They were more competitive because they enjoyed it more)
What percent of college students in the United States have a serious gambling problem?
About 5%-10% of college students have a serious gambling problem. This is classified as Compulsive Gambling/Gambling Disorder and it is an impulse-control disorder. Compulsive gamblers can't control the impulse to gamble, even when it's hurting themselves or their loved ones.

Define Scrutator

  1. a person who investigates.

T/F Gambling addiction is associated with boredom, hypotensive arousal and negative self-esteem
There are two gambling related cognitive distortions that lead individuals to miscalculate the chances of winning. What are they? **Hint: they are abbreviated IOC and L/P**
Illusion of control and luck/perseverance. IOC suggests that one’s behavior can influence the outcome of events. L/P are a set of biases that lead gamblers to overestimate their chances of winning.
True or False: Men were motivated to gamble for extrinsic reasons more than intrinsic reasons. (They were more motivated to gamble for external rewards than just for fun)
False. It was found that men prefer skill oriented gambling venues (such as horse races, poker, and other card playing games) because these types of venues increase their enjoyment to gamble.
On average, what percent of college students bet on sports?
About 67% of all college students bet on sports (30% being male athletes)

Define Attavism

  1. reversion to an earlier type; throwback. 
  2. Biology. a. the reappearance in an individual of characteristics of some remote ancestor that have been absent in intervening generations. b. an individual embodying such a reversion.