World Religions
Old Maids (insert eye roll here)
Popular Delusions
That's a Sport?!?!?

Angkor Wat, located in this Asian country, is the largest religious temple in the world, a celebratory spot for both Buddhist and Hindu followers. 

What is Cambodia?


This Pete was a boy who refused to grow up, in a book written by JM Barre. 

Who is Peter Pan?


Miniature Golf

What is putt-putt?


This legendary designer changed the face of fashion forever and invented the "little black dress." She's also the only fashion designer listed on Time magazine's most influential people of the 20th-century list.

Who is Coco Chanel?


This French emperor is often depicted as a very short and angry fella. Though his temper may be a thing of fact, he was considered average height for men at the time, at around 5'7". 

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


Sometimes called Boot Hockey, this game is played just like hockey, but without the skates. Instead of using a traditional hockey stick, you use this cleaning implement to get a your projectile into the net. 

what is a broom? (also called Broomball)


This V word is the name of a Caribbean religion that combines Roman Catholicism with African magic. 

What is Voodoo?


This Pete, son to Henry and brother to Jane, is also an actor. He wrote and starred in Easy Rider in 1969 but continued to act until his death in 2019

Who is Peter Fonda?


The sound made by a train, also what we might call the train. 

What is a choo-choo?


The beloved author of Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion received one proposal at the age of 27. She accepted it at first, but rejected it within 24 hours. She then wrote a letter to her niece saying "anything is to be preferred or endured rather than marrying without affection."

Who is Jane Austen?


Multiple studies have shown that there is no association between increased calcium and vitamin D and fewer fractured bones. So no, this white beverage, does not necessarily do a body good. 

What is Milk?


Every year in Gloucester, England, a round of this is rolled down the hill and competitors try to catch it. No one is catching this delicious treat at 70 miles per hour, so really whoever crosses the finish line first wins. 

What is cheese? (Double Gloucester cheese, to be specific)


Mary Barrett Dyer was a martyr that was hanged in Boston in 1660 because of her staunch commitment to this "friendly" religious group that is also the name of an oatmeal company.

What is Quaker?


This Pete was a player and manager for the Cincinnati Reds. He leads the MLB in hits, at bats, games played, singles and outs, but received a lifelong ban from baseball after betting on some games in 1989. 

Who is Pete Rose?


a loose dress of Hawaiian origin

What is a muumuu?


Long before the connotation is has now, of being an older unmarried woman with limited prospects, this S word actually meant the woman who took the wool and made it into yarn. 

What is a spinster?


Because they brought gold, frankincense and myyrh, it is believed that there are 3 of these. However, nowhere in the bible are we told a specific number. 

Who are the Wise Men (or the Magi)?


Just using this as an excuse to talk about the best sport in the world -- in this game, two teams field 5 players on wheels. 1 jammer, one pivot and 3 blockers. Each jammer wants to get through the pack of blockers of their opposing team. After the initial pass through, the jammer gets a point for each opposing skater they pass

What is roller derby?


In the New Testament, Jesus has 12 of these compatriots, who get their name from the Greek word for "messenger." They are Simon, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, another Simon, another James, Jude and Judas. 

What are apostles?


Peter Mayhew is best known for this role, which he played from 1977 - 2015. He was diagnosed with gigantism at age 8; at his tallest, he was 7'3", making it very easy to play a Wookiee. 


This dance of cuban origin  is an onomatopoeia derived from the shuffling sound of the dancers' feet when they dance two consecutive quick steps that characterize the dance. 

What is the cha-cha (or the cha-cha-cha)?


She was the first ever African-American female Secretary of State, and the second African-American Secretary of State. When asked why she had never married, she answered that "the fact is I’ve never found anybody that I want to spend my life with."

Who is Condoleeza Rice?


Regardless of what you many have heard, no this confection does not stay in your intestines for 7 years or stick to your appendix. Like most things, it only takes 2 or so days to pass through. 

What is chewing gum?


According to the governing league of this sport, it was started on 3 principles. 

1. People need more excuses to just play

2. Fun can be had without alcohol

3. Fighting with tube swords made of this thick recycleable is nothing but fun. 

What is cardboard?


This religion, the second most popular in the world, is known for its 5 pillars, obligatory acts of worship for its followers. 

1. Shahada; declaration of faith. 

2. Salah: prayer. 

3. Zakat: giving alms

4. Sawm; fasting

5 . Hajj; pilgrimage

What is Islam?


This famous Pete is currently in the Cabinet, as the 19th Secretary of Transportation. He was an intelligence officer in the Navy, served as mayor of South Bend Indiana and was one of the first openly gay men to launch a major party Presidential Campaign. Happy Pride, y'all. 

Who is Pete Buttigieg?


A kind of repetitive joke that involves audience participation and (often) a punny punchline.

What in knock-knock?


In popcorn parlance, old maids are these pesky little tooth breakers at the bottom of the bowl.

What are unpopped kernels?


If you have read this book by Mary Shelley, you know that this is, in fact, the name of the protagonist and not the monster he created. But he created the being, so maybe he is the real monster after all.

What is Frankenstein?


Born in the mind of a cartoonist, this sport consists of 11 alternating rounds of these two activities. To win, you have to have an active minds and a strong left hook, and you can win by way of a knock out, a checkmate of a judges decision. 

What are chess and boxing?