Summer Number Ones
Famous Folks Named June
Your body does WHAT?
Summer Sports
Supporting Roles in Children's Literature

In June 1985, this English pop-rock band was at the top of the charts with "Everybody Wants to Rule the World".

Tears for Fears


This actress was well known for her TV roles in the 1950s and 1960s on series like *Lassie*, *Lost in Space*, and *Petticoat Junction*.

June Lockhart


Your body has millions of copies of a complex, tiny protein machine called sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase, which is an enzyme that moves sodium OUT of these and potassium INTO them.



The Summer Olympics are set to take place in this city between July 26, 2024 and August 11, 2024

Paris, France


This boy lives next door to the March sisters, and marries one -- whom many young girls believe to be the *wrong* one.

Theodore "Laurie" Laurence (Little Women)


In June 1992, this group took us "Under the Bridge" in their number-one summer hit.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers


This iconic 1950s-60s TV mom was played by Barbara Billingsley.

June Cleaver


These are modified sweat glands that secrete milk, in humans and other mammals.

Mammary glands


In 2024, for the first time, this iconic cycling race will not finish in Paris, but in Nice.

The Tour de France

This spunky (pesky?) young girl started out as a supporting character to Henry and Beezus before taking center stage in several more books by Beverly Cleary.

Ramona Quimby


In June 1976, this group reached #1 with "Silly Love Songs".



This country singer and songwriter starting singing with her family’s band at the age of 10, and was a distant cousin of the 39th President of the United States.

June Carter Cash


If you notice your heart racing or pounding after you stand up too fast, that’s because baroreceptors in your aorta, carotid arteries, heart, and lungs have sensed a drop in *this*, and have conveyed a message to your sympathetic nervous system to correct it.

Blood pressure


This summer pastime became an official Olympic sport in 1996, but genX folks may remember it more distinctly from an iconic scene in the 1986 film *Top Gun*.

Beach Volleyball


This irascible rat may be greedy, gluttonous, and lazy, but he does (begrudgingly) perform several important acts of service to Charlotte and Wilbur.

Templeton (Charlotte's Web)


In the summer of 1965, this foursome was at the top of the charts with "I Can't Help Myself".

The Four Tops


Beginning in the 1940s, this actress became well-known in a number of “girl next door” roles in film and TV, as well as playing Jo Marsh in the 1949 version of *Little Women*.

June Allyson


This organ uses 20% of your body’s oxygen even though it is only 2% of your body’s mass.

Your brain


“The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc. The person with the disc (“thrower”) has ten seconds to throw the disc.” These are some of the rules for this sport, popularized on college campuses.

Ultimate Frisbee


As Anne Shirley's best friend, she may not be as clever as Anne, but she certainly has more enviable dimples.

Diana Barry (Anne of Green Gables)


The Beach Boys reached number 3 on the Billboard charts in the summer of 1965 with “California Girls”; this female artist’s “California Gurls” reached #1 in June of 2010.

Katy Perry


This Netflix series gives the protagonist, known only as Offred in the Atwood book, the name June Osborne.            

The Handmaid's Tale

Osteoblasts are specialized cells that build or rebuild this tissue; osteoclasts break it down when needed to allow for repairs.



The 2024 Olympic competition for this summer sport will take place far from Paris in Teahupo’o, Tahiti.



This faun is the first friend that Lucy Pevensie meets in Narnia.

Tumnus (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe)