The first king of Israel
"I am vengeance, I am the night, I am ____"
What is this plant called?
Helpful in cooking, this word derived from the Latin for "take" originally referred to how much medicine one should mix together
a recipe
124 Conch St., Bikini Bottom, Pacific Ocean
SpongeBob SquarePants
The king Salem priest of El Elyon, to whom Abraham gave his tithe
His assassination started the first World War
Mobile Operating System
Archduke Franz Ferdinandroid
I have sadly not found many fun things this time. The first one to say their favorite color gets 200 points.
Hebrew for "lampstand" is the source of this, regularly seen at the end of the year
a menorah
221B Baker Street, London, England
Sherlock Holmes
Methuselah, the longest-lived human, is the son of...
Enoch Kim
First person object pronoun
Atomic Symbol for cobalt
MeCo Hiponia
Guys I really struggled to find some fun things this time. Sorry for the last question. For this one, the first one to tell me the time right now gets 300 points.
Meaning "heart" in Hebrew or "lion" in Russian
Lev Oleynik
344 Clinton St., Apt. 3B, Metropolis, USA
Clark Kent (Superman)
The wife of Ananias (the man who lied to the Holy Spirit with his wife).
Alexander, a founding father of the United States
These appeared and rested on the disciples at Pentecost
Alexander Hamiltongues of Fire
These stone or wooden slabs, usually taller than wide, were an ancient form of documentation (cf. the modern tombstone)
Stela Dickson (or Stele Dickson)
One who protects, a regular customer, or a ____ saint, this word comes from "pater" meaning father.
P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia
The dentist in Finding Nemo
The man who would not see death until he saw Jesus, then blessed Him saying,
"Behold, this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign to be opposed— and a sword will pierce even your own soul—to the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”
A collision that has loss of energy
The greek word for fish transliterated into english (aka Jesus Fish)
Perfectly Elastichthys
What is this man's name?
Adolf Hitler
Derived from mathemeticial al-Khwarizmi meaning a form of computation
4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England
The Dursley Family (Harry Potter)