In Junior High school your school day will start earlier or later than Middle school
Name 3 of the TEAM names at the junior high school
What is Springfield College, UMASS, AIC, WNEU
True or False: You will have all the same peers in all of your classes just like middle school
False-a group of students will all have the same TEAM but not all of the same classes
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, with your peers.
Who is the School Counselor/ teacher
What is one of the big differences for PE at the Junior High School?
They have a pool
Who is the principal and assistant principal
Who is Mr Robbins and Mr Donovan
A period of time in which you can complete homework, study, or quietly relax.
What is ACE
Where do you go if you are feeling overwhelmed and hating school
You can go to any safe adult at the Junior High SChool-guidance counselor, adjustment counselor, or a friendly teacher
What are your options for music
General music, chorus, or band
What happens at the Junior High is you continue to fail classes
If you fail too many classes in the Junior High you will repeat the grade
Your school day will start at _____________ and end at ______________
What is 7:50-2:20