Andrew Carnegie made his money in the ______ industry
Most workers faced ____ hours and ___ pay during the Industrial Revolution.
long, low
The ______ was used to transport both people and goods across the country at record times
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
If demand is high, ______ needs to be high in order to keep up with demand.
John D. Rockefeller was an ___ tycoon and the world's first billionair
Railroad workers endured harsh conditions, and accidents were ______
When a company has complete control of an industry's production, wages, and prices.
Who invented the light bulb?
Thomas Edison
What were the people called who took advantage of workers and consumers and unfairly profited by squeezing out competitors?
Robber Barrons
A riot during the _____ _______ killed several police officers, and the public began to turn away from the labor movement.
Haymarket Affair
____ ______ emerged to fight for worker's rights
Labor Unions
Competing companies that put control of their businesses under a single group.
Who improved the lightbulb by adding a carbon filament?
Lewis H. Latimer
What were the people called who put their fortunes toward public good and made the economy more productive?
Captains of Industry
J.P. Morgan was a _______ who made his money by _________
Banker; merging other people's businesses.
This era resulted in inequalities in the free enterprise systems, to explain this, philosophers embraced the philosophy of _____ ________
Social Darwinism
A corporation that buys out the stock of competing companies.
Holding Company
What did Christopher Sholes invent?
The typewriter.
A _____ is a tax on imports
Why was the Interstate Commerce Act so important?
It marked the first time the federal government regulated an industry.
How did new inventions and developments in the late 1800s change the way people worked?
New inventions improved efficiency.
Companies in the same industry that divide business among each other.
Who invented a machine to attach the upper part of shoes to the soles? (DAILY DOUBLE)
Jan Erst Matzeigler
The _________ ________ ___ made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or countries.
Sherman Antitrust Act