Where was Jesus born?
The little town of Bethlehem
Who appeared to the shepherds and told them the good news of Jesus's birth?
What was the name of the giant killed by David?
God created the earth in how many days?
6 days! (God rested on the 7th)
Where did Adam and Eve live when they were still with God?
Garden of Eden
How did the Wise men know that there was someone special being born?
They saw a star and followed it.
Jesus was not born in a palace. Instead, he was born in...?
A stable or manger
What was the name of the prophet that was swallowed by a whale?
How did God arrange the animals to enter Noah's ark? (number-wise)
What is the city where God knocked down the walls after the Israelites marched around it?
What does the name "Immanuel" mean?
Immanuel= God with us
King David
What was the name of the man who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
10 plagues
Where were the Israelites enslaved for a long period of time?
What does the name "Jesus" mean?
What was the name of the Roman Emperor that ordered everyone to return to their hometowns for a census?
Caesar Augustus
Who was the apostle that was wrote most of the New Testament and was imprisoned with Silas?
Apostle Paul of Tarsus
How long did Jesus fast before he was tempted in the wilderness?
40 days and nights
Mount Sinai
What are the 3 gifts that the wise men gave to Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus? (You must name all 3 to get points!)
Gold, Frankincense, & Myrrh.
Finish the bible passage: Matthew 1:21 “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name...
Matthew 1:21 “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
Who did Jesus call "Cephas", or "The rock upon which he would build his church"?
Simon Peter
How many books are there in the entire bible?
66 books
What is the name of the nation Daniel lived in when he was thrown into the lion's den?