This character is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson.
Tom Buchanan
What was the musical era that this novel is based in?
The Jazz Age
Gatsby uses this short phrase to address other men.
Old Sport
In which decade is "The Great Gatsby" set?
The Roaring 20s
What are our vice principles names? (Write down at least 2 out of 3)
Ms. Jordan-Swan
Mr. Chacon
Mr. Hatcher
This character is the first to reveal the history of Daisy and Gatsby's relationship to Nick.
Jordan Baker
This is the nickname of the area where you can find the billboard of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.
The Valley of Ashes
Gatsby served in Europe during this war.
What is the name of the narrator in the novel?
Nick Carroway
If something is due on a Monday, what is the latest you can turn it in?
Up to a week later!
What was Jay Gatsby's real name?
James Gatz
This is the section of New York where Nick and Gatsby live.
West Egg
This man was Gatsby's mentor; he left an inheritance to Gatsby that Gatsby was unable to claim.
Dan Cody
Who is the author of "The Great Gatsby"?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
If you need an extension on an assignment, what should you do?
Email Ms. Rodriguez, in a polite way, saying that you need an extension and how many days you need.
This acquaintance of Gatsby's fixed the 1919 World Series.
Meyer Wolfshiem
This city is where Jordan and Daisy knew each other and grew up before moving to New York.
This is what Gatsby wants Daisy to tell everyone in the tense scene at the hotel in Chapter 7.
That she never loved Tom.
What physical thing symbolizes "God" in this novel?
T J Eckelberg's eyes.
What did Ms. Rodriguez get a degree in at college?
Latina/o Studies
English Education