What bones make up the fingers?
What are the Phalanges?
What is the name of the jaw bone?
What is the Mandible?
What are the 3 types of ribs?
What are True, False, and Floating?
What 2 bones make up your forearm?
What are the radius and ulna?
What is the name of the hip bone?
What is the coxal bone?
What bones make up the palm of the hand?
What are the Metacarpals?
What bone is on the back of the skull?
What is the Occipital Bone?
What anterior bone do the ribs connect to?
What is the sternum?
What is the largest bone in the leg?
What is the Femur?
What are the space/ cavities inside the skull bones called?
What are the sinuses?
What are wrist bones?
What are the Carpals?
What bone makes up the forehead?
What is the frontal bone?
What is the inferior tip of the sternum called?
What is the large bone in the shin?
What is the Tibia?
What are the immovable joints that hold the skull together?
What is the name of the HEEL bone?
What is the Calcaneus?
What are the eye sockets called?
What are the orbitals?
What 2 sections of the spine have a different number of bones when a person is a child?
What are the Sacrum and Coccyx?
What is your kneecap called?
What is the Patella?
What is the name of the cartilage that connects ribs to the sternum?
What is Costal?
How many bones are in the fingers?
What are the cheek bones called?
What are the Zygomatic bones?
In order from superior to inferior...What are the the 5 sections of the spine?
What are Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, Coccyx?
What arm bone is the most superior?
What is the Humerus?
How many thoracic vertebra are there? (hint: think about how many rib pairs there are.)
What are 12?