Veľká bábika
a big doll
What is it?
It´s a cat´s tail.
Count from 5-10
five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Prelož: Hrám sa s autom.
I am playing with a car.
Prelož: Rubbish is in the bin.
Odpadky sú v koši.
Which animals can you see?
tiger, snake
What is it?
A purple heart
Prelož: Kde je moja školská taška?
Where is my school bag?
What is your name?
Name 5 clothes......
Where are the animals?
The hippo is under the parrot.
The parrot is on the hippo.
Count from 15-20
Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
Prelož: Ja mám čierny peračník.
I have got a black pencil case.
Malý farebný šarkan
a small colourfull kite
Prelož: kúpalisko, farma, hory.
Swimming pool, farm, mountains.
Name four beach items.
shell, starfish, rock, sun, beach, crab, sandcastle,
Name the colours you can see....
white, purple, dark blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange, red
Prelož: Chceš ísť do obchodov?
Do you want to go to the shops?
Translate: Let´s play
Let´s make
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