Forever '50's
Bible Basics
Presidential Prowess
Awesome Authors
Food Facts
This famous actor starred in the movie "Rebel Without a Cause", and tragically died in a car accident in 1955.
Who is James Dean?
This shepherd boy once killed a giant with one stone! He was so cool, he was even made king.
Who is David?
This President was the first and only to be unanimously elected.
Who is George Washington.
This author is commonly thought of as the KING of horror.
Who is Stephen King.
This pesky creature has to tap 2 million flowers to make 1 pound of honey.
What is a honey bee?
This song famously features the line "A-wop bop a-loo bop a-lop bam boom".
What is Tutti Frutti?
Jacob's 12th son was the most stylish guy in the whole bible. He wore a coat of many colors, AND he could interpret dreams. What a catch!
Who is Joseph?
This beloved president was tragically assassinated during a parade.
Who is JFK?
This author is famous for her book series about vampires that sparkle.
Who is Stephanie Meyer?
The first avocado tree in the U.S. was planted in this sub-tropical state.
What is Florida?
This famous cartoon character asked the question "Why is everybody always picking on me?".
Who is Charlie Brown?
This queen could be a real diva. She came to her husband unannounced just to save millions of her people. The nerve!
Who is Queen Esther?
This U.S. President likes to collect Spiderman and Conan the Barbarian comic books.
Who is Barak Obama?
At one point, this author had more money than the Queen of England. She's best known for her work on a children's series about a boy who finds out he's a wizard.
Who is J.K. Rowling.
If you live in this state, you're just a "peach"!
What is Georgia?
This famous singer was recognized as the "King of Rock N' Roll" after his appearance on the Ed Sullivan show in 1956.
Who is Elvis?
This Bible character never heard the term "monster-in-law". She loved her mother-in-law so much, she moved to a foreign country with her.
Who is Ruth?
This president, who weighed 332 lbs in office, once got stuck in his bathtub. It was pretty daft of him.
Who is William Taft?
This author, who is a staple in most literature classes, famously wrote a book about an unhappy billionaire named Jay Gatsby.
Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald.
This drink company famously uses polar bears in their advertising, and around summertime you'll probably want to share one.
What is Coca-Cola?
Fat Domino sang "I Found My Thrill on" this.
What is Blueberry Hill?
When this Bible hero had his hair cut, he didn't just have a bad hair day. He also lost all his strength!
Who is Samson?
This president was the only president to be elected four times. It was after his presidency that the 22nd amendment was ratified to limit presidential terms to 2.
Who is FDR?
This ex-patriot author lived in Paris, the Caribbean, and Cuba. He's known for "The Old Man and the Sea", "A Farewell to Arms", and "The Sun Also Rises".
Who is Ernest Hemingway?
These islands used to be known as the "Sandwich Islands".
What is Hawaii?