Video Games
Movie Quotes and Speeches and Catchphrases
TV shows
Household Items

Who voiced Duke Nukem ?

Who is Jon St. Jon


Who made Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey and the Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 ?

Who is Rhys Frake-Waterfield and Matt Leslie


Who originally said “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” 

Who said this quote, and what movie does it tie to?

Who is Sun Tzu

Who is Marlon Brando 

What is the Godfather Part 2


In the early 90s, which TV Show has the sickest Guitar Solo

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Who made made OxiClean ?

Who is Max Appel


What was the last Mortal Kombat Game to hit arcades ?

What is Mortal Kombat 4


Why do live action video game/anime movies suck so bad ?

Because the Writers, Producers and Director, don’t bother to research the Franchise


Who said Instead of buying all the things you never had, You should teach them all the things you were never thought Materials wears out, but knowledge stays

Who is Bruce Lee


When American Idol took the world by storm, Who auditioned that sang She Bangs by Ricky Martin

William Hung


Who invented the Ronco Food Dehydrator?

Who is Ron Popeil


When were cheat codes replaced and what replaced them ?

When were The early 2000s 

PlayStation - The Trophy system 

Xbox - The Achievement system

Nintendo - The Achievement system


Who plays Ramona Flowers and Wendy Christensen?

Who is Mary Elizabeth Winstead


In the shower animated film, A Warrior’s Dream,

Who are the 2 martial artists that have a quick sparring session against each other and what does the poster say at the end?

Who is Bruce Lee and Donnie Yen

What is Walk on


This Latino Stand up comedian had his own Show, from 2002 to 2007

Who is George Lopez


Who made the SlapChop and Shamwow?

Who is Vince Offer


Who voiced Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid Games, and regaining his throne in Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater

Who is David Hayter - American Version

Who is Akio Otsuka - Japanese Version


The writers of Dawn of the Dead (2004) wrote a Disclaimer on what Zombie Apocalypse Video Game?

What is Dead Rising


Who gave the speech about Moral Fiber in the 2004 movie The Girl Next Door?

Matthew Kidman - Emile Hirch


Which Batman series was at its peak in 1999?

What is Batman Beyond


Jack Lelane made the Jack Lalane Power Juicer, when was it made ?

When was September 10, 2008


Who voiced Raiden in the Metal Gear Solid games along Metal Gear Rising ?

Who is Quinton Flynn - American Version

Who is Kenyu Horiuchi


What is the name of the Filipino - American film that starred Dante Basco, Bernadette Blagtas and Joy Bisco?

What is the Debut


Who said Crusin down the Street in my 6 4

And What movie did it come from

Who is Easy-E

Straight Outta Compton

Which Stand-up African - American Comedians has their own show that ran in 1995-1999 ?

The Wayans Brothers


Emeril Lagasse made many Household cooking appliances, what is his latest invention ?

The Emeril Lagasse Dual-Zone AirFyer Oven